June 4, 2022 at 11:05 pm
I work on sql server 2017 i face issue when save data on float column data type
it saved as IE-07 AND ie-05 so what this and how to handle it please
how to save data on float numbers as it is
if there are any way to save data on correct way on another data type please tell me
my sample data
create table #numbersfloat
Numbers float
insert into #numbersfloat(Numbers)
when i make select from table i see issue on data as below
so how to solve it
June 4, 2022 at 11:23 pm
how you see them in SSMS is not how the data is stored - that is an issue with how SSMS displays real/floats.
to see the real content you will need to query directly from a program that does not have that limitation or you need to convert to a decimal first
select Numbers
, convert(decimal(38, 17), numbers)
from #numbersfloat
June 4, 2022 at 11:59 pm
thank you for reply
this will solve issue of IE
but it will add extra 0 on right on another values
8 become
1005 become
so how to handle it please
June 5, 2022 at 4:07 am
Look up the DECIMAL DATATYPE IN SQL SERVER on your favorite search engine so that you'll understand that all you need to do is change the "scale" and maybe the "precision" of the DECIMAL() datatype.
You should also lookup what the "FLOAT" datatype is because it's a whole lot different that what you probably think it is.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS; --Just to make reruns in SSMS easier.
Numbers DECIMAL(15,7)
VALUES (0.0000001)
FROM #TestTable
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
June 5, 2022 at 8:40 am
how to write query detect numbers like IE only
i need to write query detect numbers like IE only
June 5, 2022 at 10:05 am
how to write query detect numbers like IE only i need to write query detect numbers like IE only
you can only have exponentials if there datatype is a string representing a number - otherwise its always a number and as such it does not have the exponential representation.
so maybe tell us what is exactly your requirement and/or issue you are trying to solve instead of asking for something that may not be what you need.
June 5, 2022 at 11:52 am
As frederico and Jeff have already explained the numeric value in the table has no display format of its own. If you're ok with a type conversion (from numeric to string) you could try the FORMAT function. FORMAT returns NVARCHAR. Warning: FORMAT is a scalar function with known performance issues. Not sure if there's any good alternative in this case tho. How to return "numbers like IE only"? Idk what this means... perhaps WHERE Numbers<1?
select format(Numbers, 'E2') sci_format,
sql_variant_property(numbers,'basetype') start_type,
sql_variant_property(format(numbers, 'e2'),'basetype') converted_to,
sql_variant_property(format(numbers, 'e2'),'MaxLength') max_len_nvar,
sql_variant_property(cast(format(numbers, 'e2') as nvarchar(200)),'MaxLength') cast_max_len
from #TestTable;
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