When program stops abruptly problem with un dropped temporary table

  • Scenario 1 : I use temporary table to run my report. If the report was stopped by user inbetween next time when I run report it gives me error that the table exists. What should i Do for this.

    Scenario 2 : I use table variable instead of temporary table. When the row size increase the performance go down and the report never load at all.

    Please suggest me a solution

  • In the beginning of your procedure code that this report is using, check for the existence of the temporary table that your procedure creates...if it exists, drop it.

    You can also use a scheme to generate temp tables and tag the datetime at the end of it to make them unique...if these are local temp tables, then when the session goes away, they will be dropped automatically.  Global temp tables go away when all sessions referencing them are gone.

  • I use my stored procedure sp__droptable to test existance of a table ( also temp table ) and ropt it.

    You can use sp__droptable '#tmp'.

    Script to create the procedure ( in master ) :

    use master


    if object_id('dbo.sp__droptable') is not null


     print 'drop procedure dbo.sp__droptable'

     drop procedure dbo.sp__droptable



    print 'create procedure dbo.sp__droptable'


    create procedure dbo.sp__droptable


     @tbl sysname

    ) as


     declare @sql nvarchar(1024), @FROM nvarchar(255), @WHERE nvarchar(255)


     set @sql = N'drop table ' + @tbl

     if @tbl like '#%'


      set @tbl = 'tempdb..'+@tbl

      set @WHERE = N'TABLE_NAME like ''' + parsename(@tbl,1) + N'[_][_]%' + N''''




      set @WHERE = N'TABLE_NAME = ''' + parsename(@tbl,1) + N''''


     set @WHERE = @WHERE + N'

       AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ''' + isnull(parsename(@tbl,2),user_name()) + N'''



     set @FROM = isnull(parsename(@tbl,3),db_name()) + N'.INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES'

     set @sql = N'

      if exists (

      select 1

      from ' + @FROM + N'

      where ' + @WHERE + N'


       print ''' + @sql + N''' ' + @sql + N'

      end '

     if object_id(@tbl) is not null


      exec sp_executesql @sql




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