whats wrong with this script? i don''t see a problem.

  • just checking out this script, but can't

    figure why it's in error.

    all it does is put together a list of databases, and

    their backup history compared to space on disk.

    here is the error i'm getting:

    Server: Msg 207, Level 16, State 3, Line 5

    Invalid column name 'logical_name'.

    here is the script. kinda long, but not too bad.

    /* Work with current database if a database name is not specified */

    DECLARE @dbname sysname

    SET @dbname = DB_NAME()

    SELECT CONVERT(char, backup_start_date, 111) AS [Date], --yyyy/mm/dd format

    CONVERT(char, backup_start_date, 108) AS [Time],

    @dbname AS [Database Name],

    -- [filegroup_name] AS [Filegroup Name],

    --logical_name AS [Logical Filename],

    --physical_name AS [Physical Filename],

    CONVERT(numeric(9,2),(backed_up_page_count * 8192)/1048576) AS [File Size (MB)],

    Growth AS [Growth Percentage (%)]



    SELECT b.backup_start_date,







    SELECT CONVERT(numeric(5,2),

    (((a.backed_up_page_count*8192) * 100.00) / (i1.backed_up_page_count*8192))-100)

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupfile i1

    WHERE i1.backup_set_id =


    SELECT MAX(i2.backup_set_id)

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupfile i2 JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset i3

    ON i2.backup_set_id = i3.backup_set_id

    WHERE i2.backup_set_id < a.backup_set_id AND
    i2.file_type='D' AND
    i3.database_name = @dbname AND

    --i2.logical_name = a.logical_name AND
    --i2.logical_name = i1.logical_name AND

    i3.type = 'D'
    ) AND
    i1.file_type = 'D'
    ) AS Growth
    FROM msdb.dbo.backupfile a JOIN msdb.dbo.backupset b
    ON a.backup_set_id = b.backup_set_id
    WHERE b.database_name = @dbname AND
    a.file_type = 'D' AND
    b.type = 'D'

    ) as Derived
    WHERE (Growth <> 0.0) OR (Growth IS NULL)

    ORDER BY logical_name, [Date]



  • Hello,

    In the query, you are not using the column "logical_name" but in the order by clause you have mentioned the same.

    Remove the same and the query works fine.



  • oh no... thats embarassing.

    please don't tell any one.


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