What's triggering the error?

  • We're starting a new ETL process that will have data something like

    DECLARE @scores TABLE (RepId int, score varchar(50))

    INSERT @scores(repId, score)

    SELECT 1, '5' UNION

    SELECT 1, '8' UNION

    SELECT 1, '7' UNION

    SELECT 2, '6' UNION

    SELECT 2, '.' UNION

    SELECT 2, '9' UNION

    SELECT 2, '9' UNION

    SELECT 2, '7'

    --We'll want to average the scores by RepId.

    SELECT avg(cast(score AS int) * 1.0) FROM @scores

    WHERE isnumeric(score) = 1 AND cast(score AS int) BETWEEN 1 AND 10

    GROUP BY RepId

    Yields an error due to the '.' in one of the scores. Yes, the data will be like this and obviously needs to be cleaned. I suspect the error is in the WHERE clause but even

    WHERE isnumeric(score) = 1 AND score BETWEEN 1 AND 10

    gives an error. Is this a candidate for a regular expression?



  • If you only want the rows where the score is between 1 and 10, I would just replace you where statement with something like this.

    WHERE score like '[1-9]' or score like '10'

  • As per BOL: "ISNUMERIC returns 1 for some characters that are not numbers, such as plus (+), minus (-), and valid currency symbols such as the dollar sign ($). For a complete list of currency symbols, see Using Monetary Data." Use another character (not dot)- everything should be fine

  • Have a look here



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  • Ah, NOT LIKE '%[^0-9]%'. That's the one. I'm using between 1 and 10 in my example but I don't know that's the range for every question. Maybe there will be a question like on a scale from 12 to 30 :-D. This covers all bases.



  • Read this article by Jeff Moden about the "ISNUMERIC" function and how it can result in returning a field is numeric, when it fact it is not, much akin to your problem


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  • One other piece of discussion that noone's brought up yet.

    WHERE isnumeric(score) = 1

    This cannot be trusted to go first. It's quite possible to end up with conversion errors and the like from this. You need to subquery this where clause with a FORCE ORDER on the query to single statement it, or you need to temp table the restricted data set. Overloaded columns = significant problems.

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  • Evil Kraig F (2/22/2012)

    One other piece of discussion that noone's brought up yet.

    WHERE isnumeric(score) = 1

    This cannot be trusted to go first. It's quite possible to end up with conversion errors and the like from this. You need to subquery this where clause with a FORCE ORDER on the query to single statement it, or you need to temp table the restricted data set. Overloaded columns = significant problems.

    Right Evil Kraig. I also tried the more bland

    WHERE isnumeric(score) = 1 AND score BETWEEN 1 AND 10

    but that too gives an error. Guess an Int is conveyed in the BETWEEN clause

    WHERE isnumeric(score)= 1 AND score BETWEEN '1' AND '9' works but who knows if it will return all valid cases.


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