November 9, 2009 at 8:07 am
I don't know for sure if "performance tuning" is the right place for this topic, but it has to do with performance so i think this is the best place:
We have some very large tables (350 million records) which are used in some advanced filtered queries (lots of joins / group by's / sums / etc.) Some of those queries take quite a long time (1 minute) te execute, but the query can't be optimized any further. All indexes are there, the table is designed the right way, it just takes that long because it is a big-*** query.
BUT the problem is: custumers don't care it is a big-*** query, they just want to see the results asap, and 1 minute is too long for them. So the only other option is to improve the hardware, and here is where my real question starts: What part of my hardware causes it to run this long.
The disk doesn't seem to be the problem, when the query is running the MB/s is about 50mb/s, while it can handle 10 times as much. Besides: There is 40gyg of memory available, so most of the data will be in memory. The processer usage is during the execution of the query 60 - 90%, and my college's opinion is that a faster processer wouldn't help since it doesn't use all of it's capacity now and therefore this is not the bottleneck.
Conclusion: There is no real bottleneck, the server runns smooth, but i want this query to run faster.....
November 9, 2009 at 11:21 am
When the query isn't running, what is your processor usage?
Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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November 9, 2009 at 11:29 am
You mentioned all the design is the right way, just to get an Idea, have you also used Database Partitioning? and what about the Number of Data Files and Filegroups?
Is the Database used purely by the reporting Solution (where Query's are taking 1 Min) or it is a transaction based system with reporting application also reads simultaneously.
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November 9, 2009 at 11:39 am
9 times out of 10 , the query can be more more efficient.
Post the query and the query plan.
November 9, 2009 at 12:25 pm
Interesting statement "All indexes are there"
One thing I have noticed over and over again, is many Developers and some DBA's don't really understand how and why indexes are used.
You can have lots of indexes on your tables and the query optimizer still decides to da a full table scan. There are many reasons for this.
Here are two things I look for (Cardinality & Distribution).
I use a simple count(*) group by query like:
Select index_fieldname, count(*)
from tablename
group by index_fieldname.
If you only get a few records from this query the cardinality of this index is not the greatest and will be skipped more often that not. It is a good candidate to be dropped.
If you notice the count is very uneven for 1 or 2 records say 90% in one value then the distribution for that index is poor and will often cause unexpected performance issues. Again it is a good candidate to be dropped.
If you have compound indexes try to have the field with the highest cardinality as the first field in the index. I know country,state makes more sense to us than state, country for an index, but with relational databases I have found the reverse to be true.
Check that statistics are being maintained.
Check for fragmentation of the indexes.
Use query plan and verify that the indexes chosen by the optimizer make sense.
Hope this helps!
November 9, 2009 at 12:33 pm
Sander A. (11/9/2009)
Besides: There is 40gyg of memory available, so most of the data will be in memory.
It will if it has been loaded in previously and not unloaded, otherwise it will be reading from disk. Can you be sure it's preloaded?
November 9, 2009 at 6:10 pm
Lots of joins, grouping, and aggregates?
Sounds like indexed views territory.
I look forward to seeing the execution plans too.
November 10, 2009 at 12:24 am
Here is a query that took 5 minutes, it returns a little over 5 million records. I also included the execution plan and a screenshot of the activitymonitor. The average CPU activity during the day is 40%. The tables are not (yet) partitioned, i have been testing with this but in most cases this only slowed down the queries.
statCTE (IDKeyword, impr, clicks, pos, costs) AS (
, ISNULL(sum(cast(stat.Impressions as bigint)),0) impr
, ISNULL(sum(cast(stat.Clicks as bigint)),0) clicks
, ISNULL(SUM(ISNULL(stat.AveragePosition,0)*ISNULL(cast(stat.Impressions as bigint),0)) / NULLIF(SUM(cast(stat.Impressions as bigint)), 0), 0) pos
, ISNULL(sum(stat.TotalCostsEuro),0.0) costs
FROM SAM_Accounts act
JOIN SAM_Campaigns cpn on cpn.idAccount =
JOIN SAM_Groups grp on grp.idcampaign =
JOIN SAM_Keywords kwd on kwd.idgroup =
JOIN CIS_Projects prj ON act.IDProject =
JOIN SAS_KeywordStatistics stat ON stat.IDKeyword = kwd.ID
AND stat.Date BETWEEN '01/01/2009' AND '11/09/2009'
WHERE = 1047
,kpiCTE (IDKeyword, kpi1) AS (
, ISNULL(sum(kpi.KPI1),0.0) kpi1
FROM SAM_Accounts act
JOIN SAM_Campaigns cpn on cpn.idAccount =
JOIN SAM_Groups grp on grp.idcampaign =
JOIN SAM_Keywords kwd on kwd.idgroup =
JOIN CIS_Projects prj ON act.IDProject =
JOIN SAS_KeywordKPIs kpi ON kpi.IDKeyword = kwd.ID
AND kpi.Date BETWEEN '01/01/2009' AND '11/09/2009'
WHERE = 1047
,statCCTE (IDCampaign, cpnclicks) AS (
, ISNULL(sum(cast(stat.Clicks as bigint)),0) cpnclicks
FROM SAS_CampaignStatistics stat
WHERE stat.Date BETWEEN '01/01/2009' AND '11/09/2009'
GROUP BY stat.IDCampaign
, kwd.idType IDKeywordType
, act.IDAccountType
, kwd.HasHistory
, kwd.Term kwdName
, kwd.dateCreated datecreated
, StatCTE.impr impr
, StatCCTE.cpnclicks cpnclicks
, StatCTE.clicks clicks
, StatCTE.pos pos
, kwd.DestinationUrl url
, StatCTE.costs costs
, kwd.MinCPCEuro mincpc
, kwd.Negative kwdnegative
FROM SAM_Accounts act
JOIN SAM_Campaigns cpn on cpn.idAccount =
JOIN SAM_Groups grp on grp.idcampaign =
JOIN SAM_Keywords kwd on kwd.idgroup =
JOIN CIS_Projects prj ON act.IDProject =
LEFT JOIN StatCTE ON StatCTE.IDKeyword = kwd.ID
LEFT JOIN statCCTE ON statCCTE.IDCampaign = cpn.ID
JOIN TIS_Options Opt_kwdStatus ON Opt_kwdStatus.ID = kwd.idStatus
WHERE = 1047
AND (((COALESCE(StatCTE.clicks ,0) <= 1000.0)) OR = -1)
AND (kwd.idStatus in (56)
AND grp.idStatus in (50)
AND cpn.idStatus in (27, 29))
PS: The query is build by a querybuilder, since the user himself can change the columns he wants, the daterange, etc. etc.
PPS: We are planning for a new server, the main question now is if we have to invest in lots of CPU power, massive amounts of memory. Or superfast harddrives (something like 16 SSD's in 1 RAID array :w00t:)
November 10, 2009 at 1:39 am
Why does no-one ever include an actual execution plan? Actual row counts and thread distribution data are so important! And why omit the fact that the SQL is built by a tool? How anyone can say that the query cannot be tuned further exasperates me.
Anyway, to answer the original question: the bottleneck is the design. Joining the same large detail-record tables together over and over again in this way is massively inefficient.
Take kpiCTE for example. Consider how fast it would be if an indexed view something like the following existed:
SELECT prj_id =,
kwd_id =,
kpi_date = KPI.[date],
kpi1 = SUM(KPI.kpi1),
row_count = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.SAM_Accounts ACT
JOIN dbo.SAM_Campaigns CPN ON CPN.idAccount =
JOIN dbo.SAM_Groups GRP ON GRP.idcampaign =
JOIN dbo.SAM_Keywords KWD ON KWD.idgroup =
JOIN dbo.CIS_Projects PRJ ON ACT.IDProject =
JOIN dbo.SAS_KeywordKPIs KPI ON KPI.IDKeyword = KWD.ID
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX c ON dbo.KPI (prj_id, kpi_date, kwd_id);
I can't promise that it is exactly correct, or that the index is optimal - it is to illustrate a point.
The kpiCTE part of the query could be replaced with something like:
SELECT kwd_id,
kpi1 = ISNULL(SUM(kpi1), 0)
WHERE prj_id = 1047
AND kpi_date BETWEEN '20090101' AND '20090911'
In all probability, the same indexed view could be extended to cover 'statCTE' as well. I could go on about denormalization, reporting databases, filtered indexes, the advantages of data warehouses and Analysis Services, but to be honest it's way too much for a forum question.
With some expert attention, and a vaguely sensible design, these types of queries should be darn near instantaneous - and running happily without parallelism, oodles of memory, or RAIDed SSDs, on a very ordinary server indeed.
November 10, 2009 at 1:39 am
Thats only an estimated query plan , not an actual.
What I look for , initially, is a big difference in the actual row count to the estimated row count which would point to statistics being out of date.
Can you get the actual plan ?
Also try turning off parallelism (Option (MAXDOP 1)) and see if that has an impact.
November 10, 2009 at 2:32 am
I've executed the query again and included the actual executionplan. I also tried it with MAXDOP, but it failed with an "out of memory" exception, so therefore i inserted the results into a temp table (which is normaly done as well). With maxdop the query took even a minute longer, but i attached the executionplan of that one as well.
November 10, 2009 at 2:42 am
Paul White (11/10/2009)
Why does no-one ever include an actual execution plan? Actual row counts and thread distribution data are so important! And why omit the fact that the SQL is built by a tool? How anyone can say that the query cannot be tuned further exasperates me.Anyway, to answer the original question: the bottleneck is the design. Joining the same large detail-record tables together over and over again in this way is massively inefficient.
Take kpiCTE for example. Consider how fast it would be if an indexed view something like the following existed:
SELECT prj_id =,
kwd_id =,
kpi_date = KPI.[date],
kpi1 = SUM(KPI.kpi1),
row_count = COUNT_BIG(*)
FROM dbo.SAM_Accounts ACT
JOIN dbo.SAM_Campaigns CPN ON CPN.idAccount =
JOIN dbo.SAM_Groups GRP ON GRP.idcampaign =
JOIN dbo.SAM_Keywords KWD ON KWD.idgroup =
JOIN dbo.CIS_Projects PRJ ON ACT.IDProject =
JOIN dbo.SAS_KeywordKPIs KPI ON KPI.IDKeyword = KWD.ID
CREATE UNIQUE CLUSTERED INDEX c ON dbo.KPI (prj_id, kpi_date, kwd_id);
I can't promise that it is exactly correct, or that the index is optimal - it is to illustrate a point.
The kpiCTE part of the query could be replaced with something like:
SELECT kwd_id,
kpi1 = ISNULL(SUM(kpi1), 0)
WHERE prj_id = 1047
AND kpi_date BETWEEN '20090101' AND '20090911'
In all probability, the same indexed view could be extended to cover 'statCTE' as well. I could go on about denormalization, reporting databases, filtered indexes, the advantages of data warehouses and Analysis Services, but to be honest it's way too much for a forum question.
With some expert attention, and a vaguely sensible design, these types of queries should be darn near instantaneous - and running happily without parallelism, oodles of memory, or RAIDed SSDs, on a very ordinary server indeed.
Creating such a view might be an idea. But i can't create a view with only the columns in this query. In reality users select themself which columns they want to see, so all columns should be included in such a view. This results in a view which is an exact copy of the SAS_KeywordStatistics table, but with the projectid,accountid,campaignid,groupid and keywordid added to it. Offcourse this is a performance improvement (I lose 5 joins), but those joins are all on the clustered index, so would the impact be realy that big ??? I could also denormalize the table and save this data to the actual table, in this way i don't have to create an indexed view with the same size of the base table (saves me 100gyg of storage), but the issue is the same: Will it make such a change, i'm having hard times to believe that....
Edit: i have been thinking about it after i typed this message. And you might have a realy good point here. With the right indexes this could make a big change!
November 10, 2009 at 3:10 am
Sander A. (11/10/2009)
Edit: i have been thinking about it after i typed this message. And you might have a really good point here. With the right indexes this could make a big change!
Yes. The actual execution plan shows some truly epic row counts into some of those joins.
I would need to be on-site and paid $1000 a day to take you much further with this (:laugh:) but I definitely encourage you to experiment with this on your test system. You will probably be amazed with the results, if done properly.
Aggregate the return columns to as high a level as you can get away with, follow the rules for indexed views, eliminate those hugely expensive joins, and you should be well on your way! Those joins are absolutely killing you.
Good luck. Please post back if you need any further (general) advice.
November 11, 2009 at 8:21 am
Business Objects by any chance? I have made a good bit of money from helping others clean up performance messes from that awful system.
AND (((COALESCE(StatCTE.clicks ,0) <= 1000.0)) OR = -1)
that will be a problem. Perhaps you can break this up into 2 queries with a union(all)? ORs are BAD for the optimizer.
so are coalesce - any chance you can eliminate the NULLable and give it a default of 0?
2) Bet the IN clauses can vary greatly too, right? yet another potential performance issue, but unfortunately there is a limited set of options for that one.
3) indexed views, mentioned by others, can indeed help tremendously for some queries, but beware the maintenance overhead they carry if you do DML (such as perhaps a nightly load/build process)
4) you need REALLY good statistics on everything touched by queries like this. Explicit ones may help greatly. Keep them fresh too.
Kevin G. Boles
SQL Server Consultant
SQL MVP 2007-2012
TheSQLGuru on googles mail service
November 12, 2009 at 9:41 pm
Index of the the table of SAM_Keywords
May be not good.
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