what to do when tran log fills up

  • what is the best course of action when the tran log fills up? should you back it up,  or truncate it using the dbcc command

    DBCC SHRINKFILE (dweocprogops_LOG, 7);



  • You should back it up.  If you use shrinkfile - you are just shrinking the size of a file that could possibly become filled up again and thus putting yourself into the same vicious cycle.

    Have a good day,

    Norene Malaney

  • Yes, as Norene said, you should backup the Tlog.

    When you want to shrink the Tlog file? : If the TLog file occupying more physical space on the drive also you want to free up some on the drive for OS, that time you can go for shrinkfile option. Otherwise not required. When you taking the Tlog backup, the commited transactions in the Tlog will be flushed and free up the pages for new logs.

    Hope this give you more clarity...

  • How to stop the transaction log of a SQL Server database from growing unexpectedly


    A transaction log grows unexpectedly or becomes full on a computer that is running SQL Server


    Microsoft SQL Server MVP

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