what swrong with this

  • select (case when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) = 'V' and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%' then 'VIDEO' else

    case when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) = 'Z' and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%' then 'FDV' else

    case when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) not in ('V','Z') and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%' then 'DATA'

    case when svc_ord_nbr not like '%COG%' then 'VOICE' end) as Service_type,* from FALLOUTSDASHBOARD..DOTCOMNET_FALLOUT_REPORT (NOLOCK)

    where master_order_id ='VA00038486874'

  • dba.nivali (11/12/2009)

    select (case when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) = 'V' and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%' then 'VIDEO' else

    case when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) = 'Z' and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%' then 'FDV' else

    case when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) not in ('V','Z') and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%' then 'DATA'

    case when svc_ord_nbr not like '%COG%' then 'VOICE' end) as Service_type,* from FALLOUTSDASHBOARD..DOTCOMNET_FALLOUT_REPORT (NOLOCK)

    where master_order_id ='VA00038486874'

    Okay, I give up, what is wrong with this query? Are you getting an error message? Is it not returning the data you expect?

    More information would really help us help you.

  • syntax.

    a case statement has only a single CASE keyword between the CASE and END,



    WHEN [condition1] THEN [value]

    WHEN [condition2] THEN [value]

    ELSE [value3]


    you can look in BOL for some other examples...it helps me when i layout each WHEN on a single line for readability.

    basically this is what you wanted i think:



    when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) = 'V' and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%'

    then 'VIDEO'

    when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) = 'Z' and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%'

    then 'FDV'

    when substring(svc_ord_nbr,1,1) not in ('V','Z') and svc_ord_nbr like '%COG%'

    then 'DATA'

    when svc_ord_nbr not like '%COG%' then 'VOICE'

    end as Service_type,



    where master_order_id ='VA00038486874'


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Geez, Lowell, you take all the fun out making the OP tell us what the problem is... 😉

  • And Lowell is correct, proper formatting of your code will help you find syntax problems, like missing END's for CASE's or parens, etc.

    White space is your friend, not your enemy.

  • Lynn Pettis (11/12/2009)

    Geez, Lowell, you take all the fun out making the OP tell us what the problem is... 😉

    mea culpa; it was low hanging fruit and i'm try to bump my post count to be half of yours 🙂


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Lowell (11/12/2009)

    Lynn Pettis (11/12/2009)

    Geez, Lowell, you take all the fun out making the OP tell us what the problem is... 😉

    mea culpa; it was low hanging fruit and i'm try to bump my post count to be half of yours 🙂

    Lowell, you're gonna need to start posting while on vacation, from your CrackBerry, and while you sleep - just like Lynn

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
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