What needs done to get cursor out of un needed loop

  • This cursor is intended to return all databases not backed up within the last two days and there is just one

    But by the time the query is killed it returns about 42 of the same entries

    Your help in this will be greatly appreciated

    Feel free to look at the loop statement only starting from this line if you do not have time to go through the entire thing

    DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT dbname FROM #backupmissed

    DROP TABLE #backupmissed

    CREATE TABLE #backupmissed(dbname VARCHAR(50),lastbackup VARCHAR(21))

    SET ansi_warnings OFF


    DECLARE @names VARCHAR(30)

    INSERT INTO #backupmissed(dbname,lastbackup)

    SELECT A.database_name as 'DBName',

    A.backup_finish_date as 'Backup Finished'

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset A,

    msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily B,

    (SELECT database_name,

    MAX(backup_finish_date) as 'maxfinishdate'

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

    WHERE Type = 'D'

    GROUP BY database_name) C

    WHERE A.media_set_id = B.media_set_id AND

    A.backup_finish_date = C.maxfinishdate AND

    A.type = 'D' AND cast(A.backup_finish_date as datetime) ORDER BY DBName
    DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT dbname FROM #backupmissed
    open c
    FETCH next FROM c INTO @names
    while @@fetch_status=0
    PRINT @names
    RAISERROR('The most current backup of the database %s is more than two days old',16,10,@names)with nowait
    close c
    deallocate c
    DROP TABLE #backupmissed

  • You need to add another fetch next into your begin/end block like so:

    CREATE TABLE #backupmissed(dbname VARCHAR(50),lastbackup VARCHAR(21))

    SET ansi_warnings OFF


    DECLARE @names VARCHAR(30)

    INSERT INTO #backupmissed(dbname,lastbackup)

    SELECT A.database_name as 'DBName',

        A.backup_finish_date as 'Backup Finished'

    FROM msdb.dbo.backupset A,

        msdb.dbo.backupmediafamily B,

        (SELECT database_name,

            MAX(backup_finish_date) as 'maxfinishdate'

        FROM msdb.dbo.backupset

        WHERE Type = 'D'

        GROUP BY database_name) C

    WHERE A.media_set_id = B.media_set_id

        AND A.backup_finish_date = C.maxfinishdate

        AND A.type = 'D'

    --    AND cast(A.backup_finish_date as datetime)


    DECLARE c CURSOR FOR SELECT dbname FROM #backupmissed

    open c

    FETCH next FROM c INTO @names

    while @@fetch_status=0


        PRINT @names

        RAISERROR('The most current backup of the database %s is more than two days old',16,10,@names)with nowait

        FETCH next FROM c INTO @names


    close c

    deallocate c

    DROP TABLE #backupmissed

    John Rowan

    Forum Etiquette: How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help[/url] - by Jeff Moden

  • Thanks that worked .Now there is no next to fetch so fetch_status should not be equal to zero  and the test fails




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