what may be the cause if backup file is not reaching to the tape?

  • Hi all,

    what may be the cause if backup file is not reaching from SQL Server to tape?


    if backup has reached to the tape then what may be the cause if backup file is not removing from SQL Server?

    Plz answer these 2 Question.



  • there might be various factors which affects this, are you backing directly to the tape, can you post in your SQL, so every one can have a look.

  • The account that runs the tape backup process will need sa rights in SQL Server if it needs to create a virtual dump device. Could that be the issue?

  • hi all,

    thanks 4 ur sugesstion,

    but sometimes bakeup file reaches on the tape & sometimes does not,

    so what may be the cause of delay?

    same problem occurs with removing of backup file from server when it reached to tape,

    sometime bakeup file removed automaticaly & sometimes delayed.

    these 2 problems i m facing since 3-4 months,

    so kindly give me some suggestion what to do in this situation ?



  • This is a tape backup question, not SQL Server right?

    Maybe better to ask Windows admins (rather than DBAs)? What backup software are you using anyway?

  • ya david, its a tape backup question so i thnk u mean to say this is not the DBA's job to takecare of it,

    well thanks alot...

    one more question ,i need ur sugesstion on that

    in the situation of blocking of processes, is there any alternative apart from killing that blocking process or is this only one solution?



  • same problem occurs with removing of backup file from server when it reached to tape

    This is confusing.. Are you saying you backup file to disk, then tape picks it up from filesystem?

    If this is the case you need to sit down with your backup admin and fix the timing of your backups. You could have a situation where sometimes SQL is still backup up the file (so the tape copy cannot back up a file in use) or the tape is backing up the file (so the SQL agent cannot delete the old files).

    Never say "it's not my responsibility".... Unless you want go get fired on the next corrupted database that happens.

  • I really think you need to post more information if you want people to help you...

    We don't know if you are talking about an open file agent type backup (that is using virtual dump devices to take an image of the database at a point in time, or are backing up databases to .bak file and then the tape backup process backs up the flat file.

    I'm not sure about others, but I have always worked in an environment where tape backups are managed by another infrastructure team who manage windows servers (of course the DBA would consult regarding backup times and strategies).

    I suspect many other SQL DBAs working in large organisations wouldn't have extensive knowledge of tape backup processes, rather focusing on native backups...just my 2c!

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