What makes a good Database team ?

  • Which traits / skills make up an effective Database Team ?!?

    [font="Verdana"]Justin Hostettler-Davies[/font]

  • The ability to communicate and work together.


  • It helps to have:

    Someone who is endlessly curious about the technology

    Someone who can speak businessese and not just geek

    Someone who is detail oriented

    Someone who can understand the context, both business and technical, of the work the team is doing

    Someone who can lead (not manage, lead)

    All of these can be present in varying degrees in any team members, but I think a good team will have some mix of all of these.

    The other must-have, for effective teams I've been on, is a sense of humor. With the pressure most DBAs face on an on-going basis, the ability to lighten up and be comfortable with each other is the only thing standing between a team with fulfilling lives and a team on anti-depressants.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • David has a good list, but I'd also add in that you need a variety of skill levels in the team. There are always sh*t jobs, or boring jobs, and too many high end people will end up annoyed by the need to do them. Having a variety of skill levels helps to balance the load of work, and allow people to grow.

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