What is this error ?

  • Hi All,

    When we are starting the sql server agent services getting below error:

    NT service msftesql$Instancefrom instance msftesql$Instance failed with error The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.

    What is this means and how to start the agent services ?

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

  • How are you starting the SQL Server Agent for this instance?

    Do you see this error every time you try to start Agent?

    If this is a recurring error please go through the "Enable Kerberos authentication" section in this article.

    Pradeep Adiga
    Blog: sqldbadiaries.com
    Twitter: @pradeepadiga

  • Its an cluster node and having the sqlagent issue on 3 instances out of 15 instances.

    I think if its due to kerbos every instance should affect by that one.

    Let me know whether I am correct in my scenario or not and suggest if any other way to resolve the issue.

    Thank You.

    Raghavender Chavva

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