what is the code page of current 6.5 db

  • I inherited several applications with 6.5 sql server databases. They all need to be moved. I have to find out what the code page/sort order on the current ones are so I can load slq 6.5 on new machines and port the databases over.


    Joseph Devereaux

  • I think this is fixed for v6.5 servers and not changeable by db.

    I know SQL Setup will show this.

    Steve Jones


  • I know that these two parameters (code page and sort order) are only set at the time of the sql server 6.5 software install.

    I have to install sql 6.5 on 3 new machines. I need to find out from the existing sql server software what code page and sort order they are currently running so I can install the software correctly on the new machines.


    Joseph Devereaux

  • Try running setup on the original SQL Server. It has options for rebuilding master, reinstalling, change network support, and code page. You should get the existing setttings from there.

    Steve Jones


  • You can also get the exisiting code and sort order from the error log. During SQL Server start up the following information can be found in the error log:

    for example,

    2002/02/19 spid1SQL Server's default sort order is:

    2002/02/19 spid1'bin_cp850'(ID=40)

    2002/02/19 spid1on top of default character set:

    2002/02/19 spid1'cp850' (ID=2)

    Also the stored procedure sp_configure can provide this information.

    sp_configure 'default sortorder id'

    for example it would return this information:

    name minimum maximum config_value run_value

    ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------

    default sortorder id 0 255 40 40

    where 40 is the ID.

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