What is the best way of restoring databases?

  • Is it the right way?


    Master, MSDB, Model, and the user databases.

    If not, please correct me?





  • Burhan,

    The order is not matter as long as you backup them up. Make sure you do system dbs with all the service packs upgrades.

    Hope it help you



  • I would add that you should restore the system databases FIRST, and I would agree with the order you suggest.

    Be aware that once you restore Master, you may see the user databases in EM or SSMS as Suspect. Just means SQL can't open the databases (because they don't exist yet!). Just restore over the Suspect marking if that happens.

    One more thing - if you're restoring to a new location (say a new drive letter), get familiar with the WITH MOVE option to specify the new location for the database files. That capability is also on the Options screen for 7.0,2000 and 2005.

  • James .....

    Thanks for your reply. I found this way as best solution. I would like to know one thing more?

    What is EM and SSMS stands for in suspect databases? And when adatabase is noted as EM and what time as SSMS?




  • EM = Enterprise Manager

    SSMS = SQL Server Management Studio


    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

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