What is modellog$4IDR, mastlog$IDR, etc?

  • Hi,

    Iam newbie here, really appreacite that are helping

    It seem the files was created and used by the Veritas Intelligent Disaster Recovery. MSSQL instance should not creating this IDR files set, i think.

    Currently, the file is growing huge espeacially the modellog.ldf and modellog$4IDR. Both file are 3.6G, taken merely 1/2 of my disk space assigned.

    How should i reduce both of these files size, maybe the modellog file.?

    Thanks in advance.

  • maybe this could help.

    backup log model with truncate_only

    -- This backup the log and truncate the log

    dbcc shrinkfile(modellog,10)

    -- The second part runs a DBCC to give the log the size you want.

    I have a question out of curiosity, why your model log is growing? This database is just a template for the databases you create and usually does not grow, or if it does is not too much. Good luck and hope this helps

  • Thank, wonder why too? Will this affect the entire DB.??

  • The model database should NEVER grow. It is used as a template to create tempdb on server startuo and for creation of all other databases. That more or less makes it 'read only'. The only possible time when it might change in size is when a SP is applied. You've definitely got something else going on on your servers besides Veritas.

    RegardsRudy KomacsarSenior Database Administrator"Ave Caesar! - Morituri te salutamus."

  • Yup, After dealing a few modellog transaction, the modellog shirnk itself.

    Thank you people.

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