What happened to the explanations?

  • QOD writers have gotten lazy, and QOD approvers have gotten lax with the result being that QOD's are often submitted with nothing but a copy of the correct answer for an explanation. Very un-educating.

    I don't presume to know enough about SQL Server to submit my own QOD's, so I can't respond to "if you can do better why don't you?", but please, QOD writers and approvers, put a little time in and submit/require a decent explanation for those of us who are still learning.

  • The maintainers of SSC try their best to manage this site.  As far as I know they have the following going on:

    1. New baby
    2. Jobs are demanding more of their time
    3. This is a part-time fun thing that they provide for all of us to learn.

    When I get questions wrong I reference BOL, http://www.support.microsoft.com and other places to learn where I went wrong.  Also, I read the discussion forums for the QOD to see what others are saying.

    Without the SSC team providing their spare time and money for us this site wouldn't be here....

    <steps off soap box>


    Good Hunting!

    AJ Ahrens


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