What does ''Fast Load'' option do?

  • This may be a simple one for the seasoned sql gurus out there, but what exactly does the 'Fast Load' option in DTS\SSIS packages do? (Apart from loading faster than is)

    Will it affect the @@spid or will all steps still be performend under the same session if RetainSameConnection=True.

    My SSIS package works when I turn off fast loading... I'm just not sure why.

  • Fast Load is an implementation of BULK INSERT (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/ms188365.aspx)

    Hence, you may need to set various flags in order that it works. I remember coming across a similar problem onec and specifying FIRE_TRIGGERS fixed it - though i don't recall why.

    Play around with the settings. Also, use sp_lock and sp_who2 to look at activity when you are trying the insert.

    Hope that helps.





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