What Could Go Wrong?

  • Johan,

    Go on believing what you want.  I have seen and read enough to know what you are espousing is untrue.


  • Ok, I accept if you can just pick one tiny thing of what I said is wrong, but that would be quite difficult, since everything I say is correct.

    How funny is that, just saying you are wrong cuz you are wrong, I am the connected guy, even when I'm wrong I'm right? 🙂

    I am exposing the facts that 3 steel sky-scrapers came down in free fall speed. Is that untrue? That can only be done by explosives well placed and prepared weeks if not months in advance.

    I am also exposing that there is no Boeing which has crashed into Pentagon, as I explained earlier. What is wrong about that statement?

  • As I said, go on believing what you want, based on everything I have seen and read, I don't believe anything that you have espoused is true.

  • Lynn Pettis (21/09/2007)

    As I said, go on believing what you want, based on everything I have seen and read, I don't believe anything that you have espoused is true.

    Yeah, There is however a distinction between what you have red and what you think you have red. How could you think there has been a Boing 757 having crashed into Pentagon, when there is no single photograph indicating that so is tha case.

    Obviously Philip Zelikow was a director of the 9-11 comission, I mentioned that didn't I? He is also an expert in cration of public myths. If you say everything I say is wrong, then you can't possible be right.

    It's amazing to me, some people here can't understand simple high-school physics. Or can't estimate probability if something is likely to be true or not based on facts, not propaganda from major corporations and networks.

    Lynn, Do you really believe the official conspiracy theory? What about WTC building 7? It came down at 5.20 pm the same day as the twin towers. That building was not hit by any airplane. We heard however how Larry Silverstein (the owner) ordered to "Pull" the building. Please go look it up for yourself, just try google "WTC 7", and you will quickly discover that you have been lied to by the mainstream media and the Bush.

  • Perhaps you'd like to explain the lack of large pices in the crash of flight 585 (hope I have the right flight number) that crashed in park less than 2 miles from my home?  The velocity of the aircaft striking the pentagon would obliterate the aircraft.

    I am not going to get drawn into this discussion any more as there will never be enough evidence or refuting of the supposed evidence presented by those of you who feel the US Government perpetrated this attack on its own citizens.

    Say good night!


  • Lynn Pettis (22/09/2007)

    Perhaps you'd like to explain the lack of large pices in the crash of flight 585 (hope I have the right flight number) that crashed in park less than 2 miles from my home?  The velocity of the aircaft striking the pentagon would obliterate the aircraft.

    I am not going to get drawn into this discussion any more as there will never be enough evidence or refuting of the supposed evidence presented by those of you who feel the US Government perpetrated this attack on its own citizens.

    Say good night!



    On Flight 585 there were pieces found that associate with that aircraft.




    This is the flight 585 a Boaing 737 that crashed in 1991 as your refer to.


    Here is a link to one of the many pictures that exists from the Pentagon.



    You tell me, where you can find any indication of that a Boeing 757 has crashed into the pentagon. There are not any markings from where the wings, tailsection or the engines in the facade, as was the case in the Twin Towers. AND the lawn is untouched, AND the windows on the Pentagon are intact, you can tell that from the foam from the firetrucks. Whare are the parts from the indestructable landinggear, indestructable engines and so on.


    I have lots and lots of more circumstances to add here if necesary, which make this official conspiracy theory totally impossible. Just to mention one thing, there is the Andrews air-force base with F16:s on standby 24/7. That is about 1-2 minutes away from the pentagon. Still this Fligt 77 was flying around in the air 1,5 hours after multiple signs of hijackings, and an hour from that the first plane hit one of the towers. AND flight 77 was not intercepted in this time. AND Norman Mineta testified for the 9-11 comission about Dick Cheneys stand down order.


    Please at least tell me who you think gained on 9-11? Who Gained? al-Qaida or the US Military Industrial Complex AND the oil companies?


    ... but don't trust me, go and take a quick look on the Internet for yourself, and you will quickly realize that 9-11 was an inside job




  • I am closing this thread for the following reasons.

    - It's gone on long enough

    - I don't believe either side will convince the other.

    - It's off topic enough

    - I'm getting complaints.

    Everyone that's contributed to the thread has helped it to wander and grow, so it's been a joint effort. My apologies if you don't agree.

    I also not censoring anything (as some people have asked). Everyone has a right to their opinion.

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