what component should I use ?

  • You don't need the quotes. (In fact, I think the quotes cause problems.)


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • There is another option. Use a package scoped string variable, and load that variable as the result from a T-SQL query that calls the definition from sysmodules.

    Then, in the executeSQL task that's in your looper/connection switcher, under SQLSourceType use 'variable'.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

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    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • I like the idea of using a variable ?

    Ahh but you are sayng to load that variable I will have to use some special sql that will output the definition of the stored procedure that I plan to distribute ?

  • mw112009 (9/26/2011)

    I like the idea of using a variable ?

    Ahh but you are sayng to load that variable I will have to use some special sql that will output the definition of the stored procedure that I plan to distribute ?

    Ayup. Setup the Execute SQL object set ResultSet (first tab) to 'single row'. Use a statement similar to the following:

    select [definition] AS ProcDef


    sys.sql_modules AS sm


    sys.sysobjects AS o

    ono.id = sm.object_id


    o.[name] = '<ProcNameHere>'

    AND o.[type] = 'P'

    On the Result Set tab, add a new entry, Set Result name as ProcDef, and set it to your string variable.

    Use that string variable in another ExecuteSQL task.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Just curious, any reason you're not using sys.procedures with OBJECT_DEFINITION instead Evil Craig F?

  • Sorry,

    It did not work.

    Reason: My stored proc is very long. So when it outputs it puts only the code to a certain length. After that I don't see the rest of the stored proc.

    However, this method is good for short stored procedures.

  • kramaswamy (9/26/2011)

    Just curious, any reason you're not using sys.procedures with OBJECT_DEFINITION instead Evil Craig F?

    nVARCHAR(4000) vs. nVARCHAR(Max) in the view definitions. It's possible to cut off the create statement prematurely with sys.procedures.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • mw112009 (9/26/2011)


    It did not work.

    Reason: My stored proc is very long. So when it outputs it puts only the code to a certain length. After that I don't see the rest of the stored proc.

    However, this method is good for short stored procedures.

    Can you tell me your exact error? Since you posted this I figured I'd go test it directly instead of giving instructions off the cuff and the error has nothing to do with length. What did you find particularly?

    You are in 2k5 SSIS, also, right?

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Evil Kraig F (9/26/2011)

    mw112009 (9/26/2011)


    It did not work.

    Reason: My stored proc is very long. So when it outputs it puts only the code to a certain length. After that I don't see the rest of the stored proc.

    However, this method is good for short stored procedures.

    Can you tell me your exact error? Since you posted this I figured I'd go test it directly instead of giving instructions off the cuff and the error has nothing to do with length. What did you find particularly?

    You are in 2k5 SSIS, also, right?

    Oh. My. God. Don't go here. This is article worthy to walk you through the steps. Try the batch file. The necessary methods for dealing with any BLOB coming up to SSIS and trying to use the data is inane.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Reply to Craig:

    Ok, hers is what I am saying: I ran the following SQl in the SQL server management studio:

    select [definition] AS ProcDef, LEN([definition]) as 'len'


    sys.sql_modules AS sm


    sys.sysobjects AS o

    on o.id = sm.object_id


    o.[name] = 'tsp_fin_dashboard_1_get_data_for_export_to_global'

    AND o.[type] = 'P'

    2.) The length = 23134

    3.) Can a variable in SSIS handle a stored proc that is this long ?

    4.) Then I copied the result set and pasted it in the SQL management studio window. I found that only part of my stored proc was present.

    So then is it worthwhile the effort of trying your method when we can't

    get the entire definition of the stored proc to appear in the result set ?

  • mw112009 (9/27/2011)

    Reply to Craig:

    Ok, hers is what I am saying: I ran the following SQl in the SQL server management studio:

    select [definition] AS ProcDef, LEN([definition]) as 'len'


    sys.sql_modules AS sm


    sys.sysobjects AS o

    on o.id = sm.object_id


    o.[name] = 'tsp_fin_dashboard_1_get_data_for_export_to_global'

    AND o.[type] = 'P'

    2.) The length = 23134

    3.) Can a variable in SSIS handle a stored proc that is this long ?

    4.) Then I copied the result set and pasted it in the SQL management studio window. I found that only part of my stored proc was present.

    So then is it worthwhile the effort of trying your method when we can't

    get the entire definition of the stored proc to appear in the result set ?

    A variable can handle that length, but an expression can't,

  • I wonder, if you had linked servers between all of your servers in question, and they all used the same naming convention, if you could just use those to implement the solution.


    Server1 has the stored proc which you want to deploy on to Server2. Server2 has a linked server called "SERVER1", pointing to Server1.

    On Server2, you run the query along the lines of:


    SET @sql = ''

    select @sql = [definition] AS ProcDef


    SERVER1.Database.sys.sql_modules AS sm


    SERVER1.Database.sys.sysobjects AS o

    on o.id = sm.object_id


    o.[name] = 'tsp_fin_dashboard_1_get_data_for_export_to_global'

    AND o.[type] = 'P'

    EXEC (@SQL)

    If that would work, then in SSIS all you would need to do is run an execute SQL statement for each of your servers which you want to move the stored procedure to.

  • Sorry, I take that back!

    Please disregard the previous reply.

    The query did manage to split out the entire stored procedure.

    So let me give it a try and let you know the results.

    I think it should work. Thanks....

  • mw112009 (9/27/2011)

    Sorry, I take that back!

    Please disregard the previous reply.

    The query did manage to split out the entire stored procedure.

    So let me give it a try and let you know the results.

    I think it should work. Thanks....

    The problem comes in when the string is longer then 8192 characters long, and you need to use an object as the target variable. Only problem is there's no way to get at the string that's hiding inside the blasted thing. Not through VB, not through code... nothing. You need to actually do a full recordset drop then loop the object to kick it out to a string.

    It might be worth it, but I'm not sure how to explain it without a few dozen pictures.

    - Craig Farrell

    Never stop learning, even if it hurts. Ego bruises are practically mandatory as you learn unless you've never risked enough to make a mistake.

    For better assistance in answering your questions[/url] | Forum Netiquette
    For index/tuning help, follow these directions.[/url] |Tally Tables[/url]

    Twitter: @AnyWayDBA

  • Cool - just tested my approach and it seems to work:





    -- =============================================

    -- Author:Kiran Ramaswamy

    -- Create date: Sept. 27, 2011

    -- Description:Transfer a stored proc from a remote server to the local one

    -- =============================================

    -- EXEC [sp_TransferStoredProc] 'KIRAN_NC0275CON01', 'SFD_GestionEffectifs', 'usp_GetUserRights'

    CREATE PROCEDURE [sp_TransferStoredProc]


    @LinkedServerName NVARCHAR(MAX),

    @LinkedServerDBName NVARCHAR(MAX),

    @LinkedServerProcName NVARCHAR(MAX)




    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.



    SET @TotalSQL = ''

    SET @TotalSQL = '


    SET @sql = '''';

    SELECT @sql = [definition]

    FROM [' + @LinkedServerName + '].[' + @LinkedServerDBName + '].sys.sql_modules AS sm

    JOIN [' + @LinkedServerName + '].[' + @LinkedServerDBName + '].sys.sysobjects AS o ON o.id = sm.object_id

    WHEREo.[name] = ''' + @LinkedServerProcName + '''

    AND o.[type] = ''P'';

    EXEC (@SQL);'

    EXEC (@TotalSQL)



    So all that you need to do is ensure that you have a linked server setup between the different servers. If you have several servers, you could create a table that stores the names of the linked servers, and then do a FOREACH loop across them.

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