What are jobs a DBA can create?

  • hi i'm new to the dba activities, any one help me what are jobs should i create on production for db maintenance.


  • A look in the options available in maintenance plans will give you a clue.

    Core jobs would be backups (full, transaction, perhaps differential)

    Integrity checks

    Index defragmentation (either rebuilds or reorganise but not both to start with)

    DO NOT use the shrink options

    Have a good read of the relevant sections of books online but the above is a good starting point, main area you might have to tune things is in the reindexing.


  • fundemental jobs are your backups and integrity checks, without these your asking for a whole world of pain.

    after that you should be looking to introduce index rebuilds/reorganisation, there is a script in BOL to get you going, after that many DBA's decide to write their own so that it can be finely tuned. You may want to add job steps in before and after the index rebuilds to change the recovery model from full to bulk logged and then back again at the end to save log space, this is up to you.

    Other jobs you would possibly need to setup are data archives (archieve tables, to another database, to another server) to keep data that is not required out of your production tables.

    you may want to run statistics updates, but you dont need this if your auto update stats is already turned on.

    As stated above the jobs you can do under the general maintenance plans are your best first step. after that if you look in the scripts section on this site you will find loads of scripts that may or may not be useful to your setup. have a look through them and see what you think you need.

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