What’s going on, on my server, right now?

  • Thanks.

    now getting this and trying not to throw hands up in air.

    Date7/25/2013 2:19:47 PM

    LogJob History (DBA-SQL Monitor - Report Whats Running Now)

    Step ID0


    Job NameDBA-SQL Monitor - Report Whats Running Now

    Step Name(Job outcome)


    Sql Severity0

    Sql Message ID0

    Operator Emailed

    Operator Net sent

    Operator Paged

    Retries Attempted0


    The job failed. The Job was invoked by User ARGUSGROUP\jtodd-a. The last step to run was step 1 (Run the Report). NOTE: Failed to notify 'Pinky' via email.

  • sqlpanther, thank for your time.

    I'm now getting this error:


    Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE. Cannot find the object "SP_Who_Results" because it does not exist or you do not have permissions. [SQLSTATE 42S02] (Error 4701)Unable to open Step output file. The step failed.

  • Check your Truncate command and add

    USE [SQL_Monitoring] -- if this is the DBname u specified,everything looks good else.

  • sqlpanther.

    Thanks for helping.

    I can't see anything wrong with this:

    --clean up sp_who

    USE [SQL_Monitoring]

    Truncate table [SP_Who_Results]

    --run SP_Who

    Use [SQL_Monitoring]

    Insert into [SP_Who_Results]

    execute sp_who

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