Weird issue with unicode and pattern matching

  • Hiya,

    I've been trying to find and filter out data that can cause FOR XML to fail with the error:

    FOR XML could not serialize the data for node ?? because it contains a character (0x0006) which is not allowed in XML.

    I thought it would be simple, just identify the rows that don't match the XML spec and filter them out.

    However, the following doesn't work.

    select fieldname

    from tablename

    where fieldname

    like N'%[^'+nchar(0x9)+nchar(0xA)+nchar(0xD)+nchar(0x20)+N'-'+nchar(0xD7FF)+N']%'

    Not only does this fail to find the offending rows, when I checked by inverted it by taking out the "^" it still returns no rows.

    I'm at a loss as to why it's doing this.

    When I reduced 0xD7FF down to 0xFF it returns data, but I cannot add the other range back in without all rows not matching.

    I've experimented with values and found 0x02E9 was the highest I could go without all values vanishing. Even then, numbers lower than that caused a large variation in the number of rows returned.

    My Field is NVarchar(100) in SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS.



  • I accidently posted in the wrong area, I've now re-posted over here:

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