Weird error message when inserting table

  • Hi,

    I'm a DBA at a large company. Today something really weird happened and I'm hoping someone has seen this before.

    One of my SQL Servers is specifically for serving GUI Applications. It has been running well for a long time. All of a sudden users in one of the databases kept getting an error message when they tried to insert data into the main table for the app. Here's the message:

    [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Mainframe Data Upload in progress - Save Later

    We are running MDAC 2.8. The app is homegrown and written in VB6. This server has nothing to do with the mainframe, no links, etc.

    I was able to resolve this problem by recreating the table as a temp table, populating it from the original, renaming the original to a backup and renaming the temp to take the name of the original table.

    There is nothing fancy going on here. Although we did recently upgrade to MDAC 2.8. I'm searching for a MDAC 2.7 computer around here but not sure if I will be able to find one.

    Anybody seen this? Any ideas? I'm thinking there is a bug in MDAC 2.8 causing this but thats just a guess...



  • Given the error text I would tend to think that this is an application issue.  There may be a SQL Server error somewhere in the process, but it appears that the application is trapping it and sending its own custom message.

    You could set up a trace and have them try the insert, that way you could tell exactly what SQL statements, if any, are being attempted.  Once you know the SQL, it should be fairly easy to determine if there is truly a problem with it on the SQL Server side of things...


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • Well that was my original feeling too so I talked to the programmer while I troubleshot it. It turns out it is not, because in EM when I return the results and try inserting through EM I get the same error. (I am on MDAC 2.8 too)



  • Look for an insert trigger on the affected table which is blocking the insert.

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