weird behavior in SSMS - backslash (\) displays as (#) in query editor

  • I'm experiencing some weird behavior in SSMS for SS2008. When I create a new query and type the backslash (\) key a pound(#) symbol is displayed instead in the query window. I've never experienced this behavior in SSMS 2005 before. This is the first time I'm using SSMS 2008. I work with a few developers who also use SSMS 2008 and they have no idea about this either. Any idea whaat might be causing this behavior and any idea how I can fix this? I'm using Windows 7 and the backslash (\) symbol displays as expected in other applications (Notepad, VS2010, etc).

    Please help!

  • Have you tried rebooting? Or copying a \ and then pasting it into SSMS? Looks like a language issue.

  • I used to get this on my CITRIX client all the time... restart fixed, other than that try pressing the CTRL, ALT and windows shortcut key a couple of times each :hehe:

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