Weird Behavior in SET ROWCOUNT with variables

  • I Would like to thank you all guys for your help.


  • You could declare the table variable inside the dynamic sql and use it as an output variable from a call to sp_executesql, and pass in your locally declared table variable.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • Tim, have you got an example of that you can post here?

  • Thanks Tim for your post...

    I've tried what you've suggested, but with no success. output parameters can be anything but table variables. Here is my code:

    DECLARE @flights_table TABLE (RecordID int NOT NULL, ScheduledDateTime datetime NOT NULL, RescheduledDateTime datetime NULL)

    DECLARE @future_rows int

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(1000)

    DECLARE @ParmDefinition nvarchar(500)

    SET @future_rows = 10

    SET @sql =

    N'INSERT @out_table

    SELECT TOP ' + CONVERT(varchar(10), @future_rows) + '

    RecordID, ScheduledDateTime, RescheduledDateTime

    FROM Inbound

    WHERE RescheduledDateTime >= GETDATE()

    ORDER BY RescheduledDateTime ASC'

    SET @ParmDefinition =N'@out_table TABLE (RecordID int NOT NULL, ScheduledDateTime datetime NOT NULL, RescheduledDateTime datetime NULL) OUTPUT'


    EXECUTE sp_executesql



    @flights_table OUTPUT

    The above code gives the error:

    Must declare the variable '@flights_table'.

    However, if you use any other type for @flights_table and @out_table it will work like charm.

    Are there anyway to solve this problem.. or there is no escape from using temp tables?


  • Sorry for not trying the sp_executesql with a temp teable before posting. I have used it with other scalar variable types, and made a dumb assumption that it would work for you there as well. I am finding QUITE A FEW restrictions on table variables that are not present for temp tables. Several of which have caused me to do things that I would have preferred to do a cleaner way. Paul I can give you several examples of sp_executesql using scalar variables if you still desire. Just post back to let me know if so.

    Tim C.

    //Will write code for food

    Tim C //Will code for food

  • Thanks Tim. It is not your fault, it is the fault of Microsoft, as it is logical to assume that you can use a table variables as any other scalar variable. But this limitation with OUTPUT parameters is not documented, even OPUTPUT parameters it self are not documented.

    If anyone knows a way around this problem, without using temp variables, please let me know. This code will be called very frequently and I would have a serious performance issue if I use temp tables.


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