Warning: unable to allocate ''min server memory''

  • SQL 2K Enterprise / Win 2003 Server

    Server has 3.5G Ram; SQL set to min/max 2.5G; when SQL Server restarted got error msg in log -- "Warning: unable to allocate 'min server memory' "  any idea why. I read the MS doc and seems that with this config do not have to set awe or pae.  Anyone have any idea why the error.  server started and is running fine.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • AFAIK, you do need AWE for > 2GB. I may be wrong, but that's a simple test, set AWE on and see. Or set memory back down to 1.9 or 2GB and see if it starts.

  • thanks for the quick response.  the server did start successfully and is running ok.  without the setting, it just gave a warning message.

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • if your server has less then 4 Gb ram, AWE is overhead.

    Use the /3gb switch and that should do just fine as long as you stay under 3gb for each serverapplication.

    check out http://www.sql-server-performance.com/sql_server_performance_audit5.asp


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  • ok i had already read that article, but i re-read again.  and based on it i do not need AWE.  let me say again that the server is working fine, and seems to be correctly using the memory.  i just do not understand why we got the error message.  any ideas?

    again the server has only 3.5G of ram.  why did I get the WARNING message???

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • Is this a dedicated SQLServer server ?

    If not, check out the amount of ram used by other applications. (With your settings, they shouldn't consume more than 1Gb ! )

    Because you've set the min server memory to 2,5Gb it wants to allocate that 2,5Gb  at startup. If that is not what you wanted to, thake that 2,5Gb down to e.g. 1Gb.


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  • this is a dedicated SQL box.  No other applications. Since the box is running correctly, I will just keep searching.  Maybe it has something to do with grabbing the memory at startup?

    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • Curtis

    Without PAE/AWE, a 32-bit processor can only access 4GB of RAM.  Normally (and this is slightly simplified), applications have access to the first 2GB of that and the operating system gets the rest.  If you want your application (SQL Server in this case) to be able to use more than 2GB, you need to add the /3GB switch to your boot.ini file.  The reason you were getting the error message is that SQL Server was trying to grab 2.5GB at startup but finding that it only had access to 2.0GB.


  • Dear

    Can you please send the output of Sp_Configure.

    I think u are assigned wrong values in Minimum Server memory (MB) and Maximum Server Memory(MB).



  • John -- your explanation is the same conclusion that I came to.  Even though the MS docs state that if you have under 4G of Ram that AWE / PAE is not needed.  It was only a warning though and not an error.


    Mathew here is the spconfigure, the mem is set to 2.5G

    name                                minimum     maximum     config_value run_value  

    ----------------------------------- ----------- ----------- ------------ -----------

    affinity mask                       -2147483648 2147483647  0            0

    allow updates                       0           1           0            0

    awe enabled                         0           1           0            0

    c2 audit mode                       0           1           0            0

    cost threshold for parallelism      0           32767       5            5

    Cross DB Ownership Chaining         0           1           0            0

    cursor threshold                    -1          2147483647  -1           -1

    default full-text language          0           2147483647  1033         1033

    default language                    0           9999        0            0

    fill factor (%)                     0           100         0            0

    index create memory (KB)            704         2147483647  0            0

    lightweight pooling                 0           1           0            0

    locks                               5000        2147483647  0            0

    max degree of parallelism           0           32          1            1

    max server memory (MB)              4           2147483647  2572         2572

    max text repl size (B)              0           2147483647  10485760     10485760

    max worker threads                  32          32767       255          255

    media retention                     0           365         0            0

    min memory per query (KB)           512         2147483647  1024         1024

    min server memory (MB)              0           2147483647  2572         2572

    nested triggers                     0           1           1            1

    network packet size (B)             512         32767       4096         4096

    open objects                        0           2147483647  0            0

    priority boost                      0           1           0            0

    query governor cost limit           0           2147483647  0            0

    query wait (s)                      -1          2147483647  -1           -1

    recovery interval (min)             0           32767       0            0

    remote access                       0           1           1            1

    remote login timeout (s)            0           2147483647  20           20

    remote proc trans                   0           1           0            0

    remote query timeout (s)            0           2147483647  3000         3000

    scan for startup procs              0           1           1            1

    set working set size                0           1           0            0

    show advanced options               0           1           1            1

    two digit year cutoff               1753        9999        2049         2049

    user connections                    0           32767       0            0

    user options                        0           32767       0            0


    Curtis Smith
    SQL Server DBA
    Well in worked in Theory ...

  • Curtis

    Yes - just to clarify, the MS docs are right.  You don't need AWE for 4GB and under.  But you do need the /3GB switch for your 2.5GB.  I suppose the reason you only got a warning is that if SQL Server can't grab the configured minimum memory at startup then it will take as much as it can and give the warning.


  • If u r not enabled PAE/AWE, OS will allocate only 2 GB for SQL Server and remainig for OS.

    For your min server memory (MB) is more than what OS can allocated. I this it is better to give u r server memory (MB) < 2GB and u can solve this issue.

    Pls refer http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms178067.aspx



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