Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.

  • Here is my code - I am using the count in this query, May I know where is the issue on this condition?

     SELECT COUNT(IIF(HReg = 'ROA' AND ISNULL(UI, '') <> '', 1, NULL)) as Emp
        FROM dbo.temp

    OPEN cursor1
      FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO

     INSERT INTO dbo.Main
       CASE WHEN ISNULL(UI, '') = '' OR AReg <> 'ROA' THEN 0
        Else  T1.AMT / @Emp
       END as TotalAmount,
      FROM dbo.ExpT T1 JOIN dbo.temp T
                     on T1.Id = T.Id

  • mcfarlandparkway - Friday, March 24, 2017 7:30 PM

    Here is my code - I am using the count in this query, May I know where is the issue on this condition?

     SELECT COUNT(IIF(HReg = 'ROA' AND ISNULL(UI, '') <> '', 1, NULL)) as Emp
        FROM dbo.temp

    OPEN cursor1
      FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO

     INSERT INTO dbo.Main
       CASE WHEN ISNULL(UI, '') = '' OR AReg <> 'ROA' THEN 0
        Else  T1.AMT / @Emp
       END as TotalAmount,
      FROM dbo.ExpT T1 JOIN dbo.temp T
                     on T1.Id = T.Id

    There is more than one issue with this code. Using a CURSOR to assign a single value to a variable is one of them (why the devil are you doing that?). 
    But the NULL value eliminated warning comes because you are counting NULLs (line 2 of your code).

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • mcfarlandparkway - Friday, March 24, 2017 7:30 PM

    Here is my code - I am using the count in this query, May I know where is the issue on this condition?

     SELECT COUNT(IIF(HReg = 'ROA' AND ISNULL(UI, '') <> '', 1, NULL)) as Emp
        FROM dbo.temp

    OPEN cursor1
      FETCH NEXT FROM cursor1 INTO

     INSERT INTO dbo.Main
       CASE WHEN ISNULL(UI, '') = '' OR AReg <> 'ROA' THEN 0
        Else  T1.AMT / @Emp
       END as TotalAmount,
      FROM dbo.ExpT T1 JOIN dbo.temp T
                     on T1.Id = T.Id

    SELECT COUNT(IIF(HReg = 'ROA' AND ISNULL(UI, '') <> '', 1, NULL)) as Emp
    Note that the message is for informational purposes and does not indicate an error.

    Your cursor is pointless. Only one row will ever be returned because you are using COUNT without GROUP BY. The statement is easier to understand if it's written in a more conventional manner:
    SELECT COUNT(*) as Emp
     FROM dbo.temp
    WHERE HReg = 'ROA' AND UI <> ''
    You don't need the null check. NULL isn't equal to anything, it's not unequal to anything either.

    Since it will only return a single row and column, you can load the result directly into the variable:
    SELECT @Emp = COUNT(*) 
     FROM dbo.temp
    WHERE HReg = 'ROA' AND UI <> ''

    [font="Arial"]Low-hanging fruit picker and defender of the moggies[/font]

    For better assistance in answering your questions, please read this[/url].

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