waitresource field in master..sysprocesses table

  • Hi!

    Just not sure how to read such information:


    TAB: 11:743738498 [[COMPILE]]

    PAG: 7:1:26323



  • Ok here we go.



    2 is the database id (compare it with dbid)

    1 is the filegroup (so in this case I know it is primary since that is the first filegroup)

    64247 is the page number that is locked in some way.


    PAG: 7:1:26323

    Same as previos except it specifically is lock the page (Represented by PAG).

    and lastly


    TAB: 11:743738498 [[COMPILE]]

    TAB of course is a table lock.

    11 is the database id

    743738498 is the object id.

    But here is the kicker. I bet the object is actually a Stored Procedure instead of a table. The reason is this


    means the object is being compiled currently for run. And a couple of possiblities are you have the WITH RECOMPILE statement in it, the name starts with sp_, first run since last reboot, or there was a cache miss.

    A bit on this from MS


  • quote:

    64247 is the page number that is locked in some way.

    Is it possible somehow, to figure out the table name (or ID), this page belongs to?

    This one is index lock?

    KEY: 11:78636069:1 (d200b6f90cfb)

    KEY is index lock

    11 is the database id

    78636069 is the object id.

    (d200b6f90cfb) is index id


  • You could try but you really have to know your data to have a clue.


    SELECT db_name(dbidvalue)

    to get the database name. Then do

    DBCC TRACEON(3604)


    DBCC PAGE('dbnamehere',filegroup,pagenumber,3)

    The output is the page data itself (3 is one option and the easiest to read) but again you have to know you data and table structures to have an idea.

    Beyond that the answer is no.

  • Found another one:

    DB: 17 [BULK-OP-LOG]

    Happens quite often. Is it critical?

  • quote:

    DB: 17 [BULK-OP-LOG]

    DB = Database

    17 = is the database id which you can find out which by - SELECT db_name(17)

    [BULK-OP-LOG] = Sounds like you have a bulk operation occurring such as a bcp or bulk insert and you database is set to BULK_LOGGED recovery model so that it records them to the transaction log.

    As for importance it depedns on if you want bulk transactions logged or not. Of course they add performance hits on the servers IO the more that is logged but conversely if something failed can you live without the logging provided by the TL for recovery since last backup (as long as TL is not damaged by issue that is).

  • All my databases have full recovery model.

    Just figured this out: this happens when full or diff backup are run at the same time as log backup.

  • Sorry the short name looks odd but found


    DB:db_id[BULK-OP-LOG], which identifies the lock taken by the backup log for that particular database.

    Taken from "Troubleshooting Deadlocks" in SQL BOL which covers some others as well.

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