VS2005 deployment security


    I have a report project I have deployed onto a remote Reporting Services server several times smoothly and easily.  Recently I logged into the site in IE to test the reports using a username and password with MUCH lower security than my own.  Since then I cannot deploy reports.  I get a message that "The permissions granted to 'domain\Loser' are insufficient for performing this operation."  This is as it should be.  Loser should NOT be able to deploy reports.  The problem is I can't get it back to being me, the admin.  I have reported, opened the reports in IE using my own login, reopened VS2005, tried setting IE to require authentication to force a login again, and then rebooted again.

    Does anyone have a suggestion about how to correct this?  Had I known I would NEVER had tested this on the same PC I was deploying from.  I seem forever stuck as Loser now.

    Thanks for any suggestions or questions for clarification.  Eva

  • Eva Leah -

    This may sound like an off-the-wall suggestion, but have you done your IE clean-up and eliminated the related cookies? Is it possible that a cookie is messing up your efforts to force the reset?

  • or you can give the Loser more permissions , which IE version are you using?

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Giving Loser more permissions would entirely ruin the point of the account.  I need to have one with limited permissions so I can test stuff like a user, not like an admin.

    I have deleted ALL the IE browsing history related stuff and still Visual Studio is attempting to deploy the reports as Loser.  There seems to be no way to clear this out.

  • I found the solution to this and thought I would share.  It turns out Windows was saving passwords for me and hiding them.  I needed to clear them out in order to deploy with the currently logged in user.  Use the following steps:

    1) Go to Control Panel -> User Accounts.

    2) Select the user you want to clean up.

    3) Click the Advanced Tab.

    4) Click Manage Passwords

    5) Remove the offending passwords and click OK until all screens are clear.

    Now I am happily deploying again with the tight security and everything.  I am a happy camper


  • so I guess i was on the right track... right shul, wrong balcony.

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