
  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item vlfs_Count_for_Each_Database

  • I needed to add an additional column to the start of the #stage table - presumably for SQL 2012 - "RecoveryUnitID INT" in order to get this to run. 🙂

  • Nice little utility – it will be helpful

    I have a few databases with – (dash) in the name and the query quit in an error – I added [ ] around the 2 database name references and everything works.

    N'USE ?change toN'USE [?]

    LogInfo(?)change to LogInfo([?])

  • akhamoshioke (4/22/2014)

    Comments posted to this topic are about the item <A HREF="/scripts/transaction_log/109527/">vlfs_Count_for_Each_Database</A>

    why are you using undocumented sp_msforeachdb ? There are better ways of doing it.

    Aaron Bertrand has a better way of doing it (due to the limitations of the undocumented SP)

    HTH !
    MCTS : 2005, 2008
    Active SQL Server Community Contributor 🙂

  • Thanks for taking the time and effort to share this code. Very useful. I did run into one problem though. I received this error but ONLY on a single database: Msg 2812, Level 16, State 62, Line 2 Could not find stored procedure 'sp_executeSQL'.

    The problem was that the one database has a case-sensitive collation. I changed 'sp_executeSQL' to 'sp_executesql' and everything was fine.

    Thanks again.


  • Got some blood here:

    Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 19

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

    to correct it

    Add column <RecoveryUnitID INT> to TABLE #stage

    CREATE TABLE #stage


    RecoveryUnitID INT --- <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

    , FileID INT

    , FileSize BIGINT

    , StartOffset BIGINT

    , FSeqNo BIGINT

    , [Status] BIGINT

    , Parity BIGINT

    , CreateLSN NUMERIC(38)

    ) ;


  • If you want to see more information than just the virtual log files count, you can include DBCC SQLPERF(logspace) and include the VLF counts like this. I prefer to test for the existence of temp tables at the start of execution and drop them if necessary, rather than dropping them at the end... this leaves the temp tables available for further use within the context of my current connection, should I want to refactor my query (or whatever other reason makes sense at the time).

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#stage') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #stage ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#results') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #results ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#logspace') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #logspace ;


    CREATE TABLE #stage

    ( RecoveryUnitId INT

    , FileID INT

    , FileSize BIGINT

    , StartOffset BIGINT

    , FSeqNo BIGINT

    , [Status] INT

    , Parity INT

    , CreateLSN NUMERIC(38)

    ) ;


    CREATE TABLE #results

    ( DatabaseName SYSNAME

    , VLF_count INT

    ) ;


    CREATE TABLE #logspace

    ( DatabaseName SYSNAME

    , [LogSize(MB)] NVARCHAR(127)

    , [LogSpaceUsed(%)] NVARCHAR(127)

    , [Status] INT



    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb

    N'USE [?];

    INSERT INTO #stage

    EXEC sp_executesql N''DBCC LogInfo([?])'';

    INSERT INTO #results


    FROM #stage;

    TRUNCATE TABLE #stage;'

    INSERT INTO #logspace

    EXEC sp_executesql N'DBCC SQLPERF(logspace);'


    SELECT #logspace.*, #results.VLF_count

    FROM #logspace

    JOIN #results ON #logspace.DatabaseName = #results.DatabaseName



  • More details on the status of the databases, including database status, recovery model, log reuse status...

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#stage') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #stage ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#results') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #results ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#logspace') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #logspace ;


    CREATE TABLE #stage

    ( RecoveryUnitId INT

    , FileID INT

    , FileSize BIGINT

    , StartOffset BIGINT

    , FSeqNo BIGINT

    , [Status] INT

    , Parity INT

    , CreateLSN NUMERIC(38)

    ) ;


    CREATE TABLE #results

    ( DatabaseName SYSNAME

    , VLF_count INT

    , [Status] INT

    ) ;


    CREATE TABLE #logspace

    ( DatabaseName SYSNAME

    , [LogSize(MB)] NVARCHAR(127)

    , [LogSpaceUsed(%)] NVARCHAR(127)

    , [Status] INT



    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb

    N'USE [?];

    INSERT INTO #stage

    EXEC sp_executesql N''DBCC LogInfo([?])'';

    INSERT INTO #results

    SELECT DB_NAME(), COUNT(*), [Status]

    FROM #stage

    GROUP BY [Status];

    TRUNCATE TABLE #stage;'

    INSERT INTO #logspace

    EXEC sp_executesql N'DBCC SQLPERF(logspace);'


    SELECT s.DatabaseName, s.[LogSize(MB)], s.[LogSpaceUsed(%)]

    , CASE c.[Status] WHEN 0 THEN N'Available for overwrite/reuse' WHEN 2 THEN N' ** Active Tlog (cant be overwritten)' ELSE CAST(c.[Status] AS NVARCHAR(10)) END AS [StatusDescr]

    , c.VLF_count

    , d.user_access_desc

    , d.state_desc

    , d.recovery_model_desc

    , d.log_reuse_wait_desc

    FROM #logspace as

    JOIN #results as [c] ON s.DatabaseName = c.DatabaseName

    JOIN master.sys.databases as [d] ON c.DatabaseName = d.name

    ORDER BY CAST([LogSize(MB)] AS NUMERIC(38)) DESC, c.[Status] DESC


  • Msg 213, Level 16, State 7, Line 1

    Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.

  • SQL 2012 added a column "RecoveryUnitId" to the results of DBCC LogInfo.

    Try this, tested on SQL 2005 and 2008, as well as 2012:

    -- VLF = Virtual Log Fragments. Refers to segments of the Transaction Log, think "noncontiguous segments within the logical TLog file(s)"

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#stage') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #stage ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#results') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #results ;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb.dbo.#logspace') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #logspace ;


    CREATE TABLE #stage

    ( RecoveryUnitId INT

    , FileID INT

    , FileSize BIGINT

    , StartOffset BIGINT

    , FSeqNo BIGINT

    , [Status] INT

    , Parity INT

    , CreateLSN NUMERIC(38)



    -- SQL 2012 added column [RecoveryUnitId]. Drop it for older versions.


    ALTER TABLE #stage DROP COLUMN RecoveryUnitId;


    CREATE TABLE #results

    ( DatabaseName SYSNAME

    , [VLF count] INT

    , [Status] INT

    ) ;


    CREATE TABLE #logspace

    ( DatabaseName SYSNAME

    , [LogSize(MB)] NVARCHAR(127)

    , [LogSpaceUsed(%)] NVARCHAR(127)

    , [Status] INT



    EXEC sp_MSforeachdb

    N'USE [?];

    INSERT INTO #stage

    EXEC sp_executesql N''DBCC LogInfo([?])'';

    INSERT INTO #results

    SELECT DB_NAME(), COUNT(*), [Status]

    FROM #stage

    GROUP BY [Status];

    TRUNCATE TABLE #stage;'

    INSERT INTO #logspace

    EXEC sp_executesql N'DBCC SQLPERF(logspace);'


    SELECT s.DatabaseName, s.[LogSize(MB)], s.[LogSpaceUsed(%)]

    , CASE c.[Status] WHEN 0 THEN N'Available for overwrite/reuse' WHEN 2 THEN N' ** Active Tlog (cant be overwritten)' ELSE CAST(c.[Status] AS NVARCHAR(10)) END AS [StatusDescr]

    , c.[VLF count]

    , d.user_access_desc

    , d.state_desc

    , d.recovery_model_desc

    , d.log_reuse_wait_desc

    FROM #logspace as

    JOIN #results as [c] ON s.DatabaseName = c.DatabaseName

    JOIN master.sys.databases as [d] ON c.DatabaseName = d.name

    ORDER BY CAST(s.[LogSize(MB)] AS NUMERIC(38)) DESC, s.DatabaseName, c.[Status] DESC


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