Visualize the timeline of your SQL jobs using Google graph and email

  • schilds (7/28/2015)

    Theo Ekelmans (7/28/2015)

    As requested, i made a quick standalone port of my Cpuload Warning graph query as a base for tweaking by you guys.

    And a new version of the script in the article:

    Have fun with it....


    Theo, this is wonderful!

    You've actually sparked me to modify some of this to suit other business-case uses. For example, I've created a datapull to a Google Graph Calendar that shows ticket counts by day.

    This will probably open up a good business intelligence path for me to wander down for a bit. Here's a screenshot of the HTML file I got:

    Now I just need to add some drilldowns and procedurally host this on an internal website...

    WOW !!!!

    Talking about sparking ideas! I did not know you could do that with the calender control 🙂

    Your printscreen made me think of some uses of my own!

    If the code is shareable and you are willing i would love to have a template of the code.



  • As someone above me said: this is why I keep coming back to SSC!

  • Hi Guys,

    A tip based on feedback of bmergen77, do *not* use apostrophs ' in JOB names, that breaks the script and you end up with an unrenderable HTML.



  • Hi Theo,

    "Geweldig gedaan!!":cool:

    and Thanks for this script.

    Is it also possible to generate this Graph for ... let's say a weekly overview

    and then grouped per day 0:00 - 0:00 hrs?



  • Bedankt Martijn 🙂

    What do you mean, like averaging runtimes per job over a week/month?

  • You now have a Graph for the period you set at the beginning of the script... If you change the period, you only see it in 1 graph the whole period.

    What I like to see is a period of 1 week grouped per day, and every day below each other.

    I have a few daily jobs. If the day starts at 0:00 and ends at 23:59 then you can see if jobs running slower at a certain point of time... and If you want to plan an new Job you can see which timeslots are free...

  • Good idea, i'll tweak my script so it generates one graph per day if you specify a date range > 1 day.


  • WOW !!!!

    Talking about sparking ideas! I did not know you could do that with the calender control 🙂

    Your printscreen made me think of some uses of my own!

    If the code is shareable and you are willing i would love to have a template of the code.



    Here's a pastebin.

    ...and here's the documentation on the calendar.

    Most of what you originally posted is still there. I've commented the important parts on how to format your query.

    I'm still toying with pulling in drilldown data.

  • Very cool, thanks for this.

  • Thanks for the article. I applied it to my backup monitoring process written in PowerShell. Using Google Charts I was able to create a nice custom HTML email attachment that shows database growth over a period of time.

  • And again a new version based on some feedback by the community"

    A multi day version of the script (1 timeline per 24 hours, stacked on top of each other)

    Download link:

    Enjoy, Theo.

  • Thanks! I will check it out after my 2 weeks off....

  • Hi Theo,

    Thanks for the script!

    it's running great and certainly going to use it

  • When using case-sensitive collation, the following line results in error:

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 273

    Invalid column name 'html'.

    Changing 'html' to 'HTML' resolves the error:


    -- Output HTML page - copy output & pastte to a .HTML file and open with google chrome


    if @ReturnRecocordset = 1

    select HTML from ##GoogleGraph order by ID

    There's also a misspelling in @ReturnRecocordset, although it doesn't really hurt anything.

  • And here is the latest multi day version with the correct case this time (thx to alpinetrout)


    This script returns a (graphical) timeline for all SQL jobs using google graph


    Version: 1.1

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2015-06-24

    Version: 1.2

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2015-07-28

    Change: Updated using feedback from the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version: 2.0

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2015-07-28

    Change: Added an option to split multiple days into seperate graphs as requested by

    the SqlServerCentral Community

    Version: 2.1

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2016-01-19

    Change: Day of week added

    Version: 2.2

    Author: Theo Ekelmans


    Date: 2016-02-22

    Change: Option for DateRange bar added


    set nocount on

    declare @dt datetime

    declare @StartDT datetime

    declare @EndDT datetime

    declare @SDT datetime

    declare @EDT datetime

    declare @MaxEDT datetime

    declare @MinRuntimeInSec int

    declare @SendMail int

    declare @ReturnRecocordset int

    declare @Emailprofilename varchar(50)

    declare @EmailRecipients varchar(50)

    declare @CategoryCount int

    declare @CategoryJobCount float

    declare @Teller int

    declare @WidthInPixels int

    declare @HeightInPixels int

    declare @RowHeightInPixels int

    declare @AddDateRangeBar int


    -- Set variables


    set @Teller = 1

    set @StartDT = getdate() - 31

    set @EndDT = getdate()

    set @MinRuntimeInSec = 1 --Ignore jobs with runtime smaller then this

    set @WidthInPixels = 1280 -- The width of the graph

    set @RowHeightInPixels = 40 -- Base for graph height calculation

    set @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference

    set @ReturnRecocordset = 0

    set @SendMail = 1

    set @Emailprofilename = 'Ordina'--'<MailProfileName>'

    set @EmailRecipients = ''--'<email>'


    -- Pre-run cleanup (just in case)


    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;


    -- Create the tables for HTML assembly


    create table ##GoogleGraph ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HTML] [varchar](8000) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDiv ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HTML] [varchar](8000) NULL)

    create table ##GoogleDraw ([ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [HTML] [varchar](8000) NULL)

    create table #Dates ([StartDT] datetime NOT NULL,

    [EndDT] datetime NOT NULL)


    -- Break the range into days


    ;WITH w(DT) AS

    (SELECTcast(cast(@StartDT as int) as datetime)


    SELECTdateadd(day, 1 ,w.DT)


    WHEREw.DT < @EndDT - 1


    INSERT INTO #Dates


    ,dateadd(day, 1 ,DT)




    -- Create the Job Runtime information table

    --*************************************************************************************** as JobName

    , as CatName

    ,CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) as SDT


    ((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 ,

    CONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120)

    ) as EDT


    FROMmsdb.dbo.sysjobs job

    left JOIN msdb.dbo.sysjobhistory his

    ON his.job_id = job.job_id

    INNER JOIN msdb.dbo.syscategories cat

    ON job.category_id = cat.category_id

    whereCONVERT(DATETIME, CONVERT(CHAR(8), run_date, 112) + ' ' + STUFF(STUFF(RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), run_time), 6), 5, 0, ':'), 3, 0, ':'), 120) between @StartDT and @EndDT

    andstep_id = 0 -- step_id = 0 is the entire job, step_id > 0 is actual step number

    and((run_duration/10000)%100 * 3600) + ((run_duration/100)%100 * 60) + run_duration%100 > @MinRuntimeInSec -- Ignore trivial runtimes

    and in('Ordina_Backup_Full','Ordina_Backup_Diff','Ordina_Backup_Log')

    order by SDT

    if not exists (select 1 from #JobRuntime)

    goto NothingToDo


    -- Format for google graph - Header

    -- (Split into multiple inserts because the default text result setting is 256 chars)


    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '<html>


    <!--<META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1">--> '

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '

    <script type="text/javascript" src="{''modules'':[{''name'':''visualization'', ''version'':''1'',''packages'':[''timeline'']}]}"></script>

    <script type="text/javascript">'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select 'google.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);

    function drawChart() {'

    -- Loop all dates


    select StartDT, EndDT

    from #Dates

    where [StartDT] >= (select min(SDT) from [#JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range

    and [EndDT] <= (select max(EDT) from [#JobRuntime]) --Just in case there is no job run in the date range

    order by StartDT

    OPEN cDates


    WHILE (@@fetch_status = 0)


    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '//************************'+convert(varchar(10), @SDT, 120)+'******************************

    var container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = document.getElementById(''JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+''');

    var chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.Timeline(container'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');

    var dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' = new google.visualization.DataTable();'

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select 'dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Position'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''string'', id: ''Name'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''Start'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addColumn({ type: ''date'', id: ''End'' });

    dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.addRows([


    if @AddDateRangeBar = 1 -- Add the daterange bar for reference



    -- Insert placeholders for begin and end of day


    -- De max value of a day is either the MaxDT of the longest job if it sticks out over the day boundry

    set @MaxEDT = (SELECT max(EDT)

    from #JobRuntime

    where SDT between @SDT and @EDT


    -- Or if the the longest job is within the day boundry than it the end of the day

    if @MaxEDT < @EDT

    set @MaxEDT = @EDT

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT '[ '

    +'''' + 'DateRange' + ''', '

    +'''' + ' ' + ''', '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year , @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @SDT) as varchar(4))

    +'), '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, @MaxEDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, @MaxEDT) as varchar(4))

    + ') ],' --+ char(10)



    -- Format for google graph - Data


    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT '[ '

    +'''' + CatName + ''', '

    +'''' + JobName + ''', '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year , SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, SDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, SDT) as varchar(4))

    +'), '

    +'new Date('

    + cast(DATEPART(year, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(month, EDT) -1 as varchar(4)) --Java months count from 0

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(day, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(hour, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(minute, EDT) as varchar(4))

    +', '+cast(DATEPART(second, EDT) as varchar(4))

    + ') ],' --+ char(10)


    whereSDT between @SDT and @EDT

    order byCatName, JobName

    select@CategoryCount = count(distinct CatName)


    whereSDT between @SDT and @EDT

    select@CategoryJobCount = avg(cJobname * 1.0)


    -- Count JobNames per CatName

    select CatName, count(JobName) as cJobname


    -- Get Cat CatName and JobName

    selectdistinct CatName, JobName


    whereSDT between @SDT and @EDT

    ) as i

    group by CatName

    ) as o

    set @HeightInPixels = @RowHeightInPixels * (((@CategoryCount * 1.0) * @CategoryJobCount) + 2)

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select ']);

    var options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+' =


    timeline: {

    groupByRowLabel: true,

    colorByRowLabel: false,

    singleColor: false,

    rowLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },

    barLabelStyle: {fontName: ''Helvetica'', fontSize: 14 },


    "height": '+cast(@HeightInPixels as varchar(10))+',

    "width": '+cast(@WidthInPixels as varchar(10))+'



    insert into ##GoogleDiv (HTML)

    SELECT ' <hr>from '+datename(dw, @SDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @SDT, 120) +' until '+datename(dw, @EDT)+' '+convert(varchar(20), @EDT, 120)+'<hr> <div id="JobTimeline'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'"></div>'

    insert into ##GoogleDraw (HTML)

    SELECT ' chart'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+'.draw(dataTable'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+', options'+cast(@Teller as varchar(10))+');'

    set @Teller = @Teller + 1



    CLOSE cDates



    -- Format for google graph - Footer


    -- The DRAWs

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDraw

    -- Last part of the script + start of the body

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '





    +'<font face="Helvetica" size="3" >'

    +'Job timeline on: '+@@servername + ' (Node: ' +cast(SERVERPROPERTY('ComputerNamePhysicalNetBIOS') as varchar(128)) +')'

    +' from '+convert(varchar(20), @StartDT, 120)

    +' until '+convert(varchar(20), @EndDT, 120)

    +case when @MinRuntimeInSec = 0 then '' else ' (hiding jobs with runtime < '+cast(@MinRuntimeInSec as varchar(10))+' seconds)' end


    -- The DIVs

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleDiv

    -- And last but not least the ending tags

    insert into ##GoogleGraph (HTML)

    select '</body>



    -- Output HTML page - copy output & paste to a .HTML file and open with google chrome


    if @ReturnRecocordset = 1

    select HTML from ##GoogleGraph order by ID


    -- Send Email -


    if @SendMail = 1

    execute msdb.dbo.sp_send_dbmail

    @profile_name = @Emailprofilename

    ,@recipients = @EmailRecipients

    ,@subject = 'JobTimeline'

    ,@body = 'See attachment for JobTimeline, open with Google Chrome!'

    ,@body_format = 'HTML' -- or TEXT

    ,@importance = 'Normal' --Low Normal High

    ,@sensitivity = 'Normal' --Normal Personal Private Confidential

    ,@execute_query_database = 'master'

    ,@query_result_header = 0

    ,@query = 'set nocount on; SELECT HTML FROM ##GoogleGraph'

    ,@query_result_no_padding = 1 -- prevent SQL adding padding spaces in the result

    --,@query_no_truncate= 1 -- mutually exclusive with @query_result_no_padding

    ,@attach_query_result_as_file = 1

    ,@query_attachment_filename= 'JobTimeline.HTML'

    goto Cleanup


    -- Just in case....



    print 'No job runtime info found....'


    -- Cleanup



    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#JobRuntime') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #JobRuntime;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleGraph') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleGraph;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDiv') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDiv;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..##GoogleDraw') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE ##GoogleDraw;

    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#Dates') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #Dates;

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 98 total)

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