Visual Studio in SSAS tabular mode is extremely slow

  • I am creating a SSAS tabular model project in Visual Studio 2012 with SQL Server Data Tool. If I add a calculation and try to find an explanation for error by clicking the grid, it takes 1-4 minutes to process. During this time I cannot do anything, the green mousepointer is spinning endlessly. And this is not only when it displays error. If I accidentally click somewhere, it enters the same endless, kind of "processing" mode.

    My P.C. has 8 CPU and 12 GB memory. Model/ calculate option is set to manual calculation. Windows task manager shows that devenv.exe *32 takes 180 MB of memory and 0 CPU. There are also couple of svchost processes are running.

    Where I can start troubleshooting for such slow response?

  • Is this a small model you are working with? If it is a very large model, you could restrict the records so you are working with a smaller dataset while developing.

    Where is your workspace server? Is it on localhost or remote?

  • I guess that my workspace is remote on the server.

    It created another database in Analysis Server with a long name like <dbname>_myUserName_letters_and_numbers.

    The size of the source database in SQL Server engine is 130 GB, my two tables that I work with are just little above 1 GB. Nevertheless, yesterday I rebooted my PC, and it started working fast. But today I noticed it works slower and slower again.

  • As PowerDAX suggested, try to work with a subset of the data instead of everything at once.

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  • Hi,

    i had the same problem as you.

    My model had no data in the subset, and was on a remote server and it took between 7-12 minutes to load after any change.

    i also had about 140 tables, 85 relationships and 1150 measures

    i fixed it by removing all the measures. easy if you use the view code (Json) copy all the measures to a notepad and try again.

    hope this will help you too.

  • I am facing same problem when tabular model Is connected to workspace server.

    Does some one have any fix for it.

    Any suggestion on server side settings that makes the model fast is much appreciated.

    More info: workspace server version 2017 and my model has around 1000 measures with 4 calculated tables.

    Model is responding good with integrated mode but when connected to workspace space server is takes around 6 mins to open the model and any change in the model takes 4 mins.


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