Virtualiziation and Monitoring

  • Hello -

    We currently run on a stand alone 2008 sql server instance and will be moving to virtual server configuration. We have few and far between issues, outages, or performance problems as is. Can anyone please recommend suggestions on how to monitor or capture performance now to establish a baseline more or less to compare too once we move to the virtual setup to verify performance impact is minimal?

    Just capture counts via Perfmon? Which counts? And best way to compare raw numbers and prove little to no change would be how?

    Thx in advance!

  • Perfmon would be the best starting point to create a baseline.

    I have attached a text file that you can use to create a performance counter. Save it as a XML file and use that to create a new perfmon counter using a XML template. The selected objects should be more than sufficient to judge the performance of the system.

    If you have a named instance then the procedure to add counters are a little different.


  • You have to understand where the split occurs between what's useful to monitor and what's not. Memory & CPU monitoring is now different. You're not going to want to look at the VM itself. You'll need to monitor from the hardware.

    You can't trust memory because of ballooning, & dynamic memory. You can't trust CPU because of throttling & swapping.

    For CPU you should look at signal wait % on the physical box as base monitor along with pages/sec. For memory, pages/sec from memory & then after that you need to bring your VM software into this because there's stuff you can't monitor from perfmon such as when the balloon process has run, stuff like that.

    I'm presenting on exactly this at Tech On Tap[/url] a week from Saturday in Oshkosh, WI. If you're in the area, swing by.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thx to both of you for your help thus far! I will take a look at these things and let you know. I am near Appleton and would really , really like to go to Tech on Tap but i cant make the date =(!

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