Virtual Server Name Alrady Exisits on the Network?

  • Was tasked with installing SQL2005 on a clustered A/P server.

    I RDP'd to the virtual server and started cluster admin to see whats what.

    Here is what I have:

    MyServer-1 Heatbeat UP and the IP

    MyServer-1 Public Network UP and IP

    MyServer-2 Heatbeat UP and IP

    MyServer-2 Public Network UP and IP

    Server admin told me the Virtual/Clustered name is MyServer and gave me its IP address.

    I verified MSDTC is setup as a group on cluster admin.

    Now moving forward with the SQL 2005 Setup..

    I named the instance MyServerSQL

    Then setup asked me to enter my virtual server name and I entered MyServer but got an error...

    The Specified Virtual Server name Already Exisits on the Network. To proceed enter a unique virtual server name.

    ??? Thanks!

  • When you set up a Cluster there are several components that come into play.

    1. your servers, we'll call then Node1 & Node2

    2. your storage, we'll say this is on a SAN

    3. Your Virtual Cluster Server Name & IP Address, we'll call this MyServer

    4. Your Virtual SQL Server 2005 Server Name & IP Address, we'll call this MyServer2

    5. (if your using windows 2008 r2 & MSDTC) your MSDTC Server Name & IP Address, we'll call this MyServer3

    When your server admin set's up the "OS" Vitrual Server name, MyServer, and your SAN has been cofigured and disks ready to go for 2005, when you get to the part where it asks for the SQL Servername and IP you add, MyServer2 and it's IP address.

    You cannot re-use the Server Name and IP that was used to make the "OS" cluster. Think of it like the onion from Shrek, "Clusters have layers" one sits on top of the other.

  • Great info! Thanks!

    So I want to just enter a new virtual sql server name here. However, on the next screen it asks for an IP address. I just made up a virtual server name how do I know what its IP is? lol

  • Glad I could help!

    I've always had a Network Guy that I went to, normally there is a range of IP Addresses that are available on the network and they should be able to give you one that is open. Could be a network engineer, or someone that get's the IP ranges from your ISP/telephone carrier.

    Just to be on the safe side, check with the same Network Guy and make sure that they are Okay with/know that the Server Name you've created will be associated with the IP address.

    Once you get the IP you should be good to go.

  • You were right. I was able to get a correct IP from the network team and the install on node-1 and node-2 was green across the board! Now I am trying to figure out how to change the location of TempDB, Logs, SystemDB, and Backups. During the setup I only saw where it asked me where I wanted to place the data files and it looks like everything got put there.

    I have M:-TempDB, N:-Logs, O:-System-DB, R:-Data, and S:-Backups. However when I try to run

    Alter database tempdb modify file (...) I get the following.

    Cannot use file (...) for clustered server. Only formatted files on which the cluster resource of the server has a dependency can be used. I read something about having to add a resouce in cluster administrator to make it work but I went home after that and haven't looked into it further just yet.

    Thanks again!

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