View to concatenate file/path names back to root directory

  • We have a hierarchical table of some 2-3k of rows that grows slowly at only 3-5 rows a month, and is never likely to be above 5k, holding file/directory names with an IdParent int value pointing at that items immediate parent or NULL if root

    Below is a sample:

    Id Name IdParent

    1 C:\ NULL

    2 D:\ NULL

    3 ProgramFiles\ 1

    4 DataFiles 2

    5 Excel.EXE 3

    6 MyDataList.CSV 4

    I appreciate that the iterative code required to achieve the result I am looking for is best handled in the Application layer, but in this case the design brief is that we must get our results back as a View. Speed of execution and code clarity are secondary 'icing on the cake' issues.

    I have tried recursive CTE's and XML FOR solutions but without success, and while I feel the latter is probably the best all rounder the searches I have made and the examples I have read do not seem to solve this particular issue.

    Even to find the starting point of the search tree (i.e. the .EXE and the .CSV items) was difficult because the final slash is optional in some of the rows (.e. row 4)

    Perhaps someone on the forum can assist me?

    The end result of my view on the above data should return:

    Id FilePath

    5 C:\ProgramFiles\Excel.EXE

    6 D:\DataFiles\MyDataList.CSV (note the adding of the missing delimiter between DataFiles and MyDataList)

    When I first came across this requirement I felt that writing a View would be relatively straightforward, so it is frustrating to have to admit defeat and come on to the forum, but hopefully this is an issue that has been encountered and resolved by others before me

    Thanks in advance.

  • I guess your interesting read would be Hierarchies on Steroids #1: Convert an Adjacency List to Nested Sets[/url] and the sequels 😉

    just solving your simple example using a cte can be done this way:

    DECLARE @ResultString varchar( 5000 ) = '';

    ;WITH cte

    AS ( SELECT Id AS IdRoot

    , Name

    , IdParent

    , 0 AS RecursionLevel

    FROM @tbl

    WHERE Name = 'MyDataList.CSV'


    SELECT Anchor.IdRoot

    , T.Name

    , T.IdParent

    , Anchor.RecursionLevel - 1

    FROM @tbl AS T

    INNER JOIN cte AS Anchor

    ON Anchor.IdParent = )

    SELECT @ResultString+=CASE RecursionLevel

    WHEN 0 THEN Name


    WHEN Name LIKE '%\' THEN Name

    ELSE Name + '\'



    FROM cte

    ORDER BY IdRoot , RecursionLevel;

    SELECT @ResultString AS ResultString;

    Just keep in mind there is a recursion limit when using cte.


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  • Thanks for your prompt reply

    My own probe into the issue also started with a recursive CTE (and no - the recursion limit is not a problem), but I quickly came across the snag that I was not identifying the start point in each table.

    In the example given one could perhaps start the search on the assumption that each row with a name containing a period is the starting point for the traversing up(down?) the tree. But this period character cannot be assumed with 100% certainty.

    So in effect the start points (in the example given above) are the two rows which do not have another row pointing to them, and of course the end point is the row that has a NULL

    In the app the devTeam are using the user selects a file name, and so the search is simplified within the app, but in the View I need to create I need to find each end point and return each of their file paths as below:

    Id FilePath

    5 C:\ProgramFiles\Excel.EXE

    6 D:\DataFiles\MyDataList.CSV

    Having abandoned recursive Ctes as a possible solution I did start to look at the FOR XML as a possible solution, but can't get my head round the syntax to achieve the wanted result

    I could live with an alternative more verbose result like:

    1 C:2 D:3 C:\ProgramFiles4 D:\DataFiles5 C:\ProgramFiles\Excel.EXE

    6 D:\DataFiles\MyDataList.CSV

    I do hope you or a colleague in this great resource/community have faced and solved this or a similar problem, as the devTeam are now starting to rib me about how long such a 'simple' task is taking to do in SQL


  • how about this:

    /* still using the recursive CTE */

    Create table MyTable ( Id int not null, Name varchar(128) not null, IdParent int NULL );


    Create view V_X


    WITH cte

    AS ( SELECT Id AS IdRoot

    , Name As RootName

    , Name

    , IdParent

    , 0 AS RecursionLevel

    FROM MyTable

    WHERE Name like '%.%'


    SELECT Anchor.IdRoot

    , Anchor.RootName

    , T.Name

    , T.IdParent

    , Anchor.RecursionLevel - 1

    FROM MyTable AS T

    INNER JOIN cte AS Anchor

    ON Anchor.IdParent = )

    SELECT P.IdRoot

    , P.RootName

    , Details.FullPathName

    FROM cte P


    SELECT ''+

    CASE Ch.RecursionLevel

    WHEN 0 THEN Ch.Name


    WHEN Ch.Name LIKE '%\' THEN Name

    ELSE Ch.Name + '\'


    END /* Do not name this column or your XML will use it for tags */

    FROM cte AS Ch

    WHERE Ch.IdRoot = P.IdRoot

    ORDER BY Ch.RecursionLevel


    XML PATH('')

    , TYPE

    ) AS Details ( FullPathName )

    where P.IdParent is null


    insert into MyTable

    values (1 ,'C:\', NULL)

    ,(2 ,'D:\', NULL)

    ,(3 ,'ProgramFiles\', 1)

    ,(4 ,'DataFiles', 2)

    ,(5 ,'Excel.EXE', 3)

    ,(6 ,'MyDataList.CSV', 4)

    ,(7 ,'MyProgram', 3)

    ,(8 ,'MySubfolder\', 7)

    ,(9 ,'MyProgram.exe', 8)


    Select *

    from V_X

    order by IdRoot ;

    Find the weak spot !!

    You still have to check Jeffs article I mention in my previous reply !


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  • Good morning Johan,

    Thank you very much for providing me with what will definitely work for me now.

    Can't claim to fully understand what is going on (Recursion never being a strong point for me), but when I get a few minutes will get my head round it all and come back

    Also nice to see that you are using a CROSS APPLY and FOR XML construct which are on my priority reading list for further study. Fortunately I am on hols next week so being a sad geek type will probably sit on the beach improving the tan and reading up on your solution and the article you recommend.

    I'm looking for the weak spot you mention and if it is the fact that you have short circuited the search starting point by looking out for a period in the file name then I can live with that for now, and perhaps even come back with a solution of my own (but don't wait up:-) )

    Once again - thank you very much personally and to this forum also, which is such a great source of information and ideas

  • Spot on for the weak spot detection !

    Enjoy your holiday !


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