view structure of table in sql server2000 in Q.A.

  • Hello friends,

    As in Oracle Database we can check the structure of table by

    DESC <Table_Name>

    But Can we check the same in Sql Server2000?

    Thanks In Advance




  • sp_help <tableName>


  • sp_help is pretty comprehensive...

    You can also query the system tables with something like:

    select * from syscolumns where id =

    (select id from sysobjects where name = )

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • that should read...

    select * from syscolumns where id =

    (select id from sysobjects where name = 'tablename')

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Try this......this may also help as a base metadata view for generating other code.


     so.[name] AS 'TableName',

     sc.[name] AS 'ColumnName',

     st.[name] AS 'ColumnType',

     sc.length AS 'ColumnSize',

     CASE sc.isnullable

      WHEN 0 THEN 'No' ELSE 'Yes' END AS 'IsNullable',




     sysobjects so

     INNER JOIN syscolumns sc ON

      so.[id] = sc.[id]


     systypes st ON

      sc.xtype = st.xtype



      sfk.constid AS 'ConstraintID',

      sfk.fkeyid AS 'TableID',

      sfk.fkey AS 'ColumnID',

      sc.[name] AS 'RefColumn',

      so.[name] AS 'RefTable',

      sfk.rkeyid AS 'TableID Ref',

      sfk.rkey AS 'ColumnID Ref'


      sysforeignkeys sfk

      INNER JOIN syscolumns sc ON

       sfk.rkeyid = sc.[id]


       sfk.rkey = sc.colid

      INNER JOIN sysobjects so ON

       sc.[id] = so.[id]

    &nbsp myTemp ON

      myTemp.TableID = sc.[id]


      myTemp.ColumnID = sc.colid 


     so.type = 'U'


     so.[name] NOT LIKE 'dt%'


    --SELECT * FROM syscolumns

    --SELECT * FROM systypes

  • You can also run the following:

    select * from information_schema.columns

    which will return all column information for each table in the current database

  • As long as you're using QA, why not just use the Object Browser and save some typing?



  • Drag 'N' Drop is your friend.

    If only it did the quoting properly when you drag the columns in


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Hello friends,


    Thanks for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  • sp_columns tablename

  • Many ways to skin this cat - <;-) - though object browser is the way to go for a quick dekko!!!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

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