View Question

  • Hi

    A question regarding Views. If a views is created which is made up of several unions from several tables; and when a select is placed on the view with a filter on a particular field, will the view first run the entire underlying query and then perform a filter, or otherwise. Please explain. Thanks a lot


  • It depends.

    There's no black or white in general, and the question is very general.

    You can read up on views in BOL (Books on Line) and also on the subject of 'partitioned views'.

    There's a lot of info in there to get you started.


  • hello

    You would have to define more precise how the views could look like.

    Let's assume:




    SELECT Col1, Col2, Col3 FROM Table A

    ORDER BY {...}


    SELECT Col4, Col5, Col6 FROM Table B

    WHERE {filtering here}

    ORDER BY {...}


    How it works:

    1)selecting all information from table A

    2) selecting filtered information from table B

    3) construct a dataset (union all)

    Well - query optimizer maybe first run the query from table B than A, I do not know, but result will be displayed correctly

    I assume that UNION ALL statement will be parsed here, no syntaxt error occurs.



    Kindest Regards,

    Damian Widera
    SQL Server MVP,
    MCT, MCSE Data Platform, MCSD.NET

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the replies and pardon me for not being more specific, I was looking at something like this:




    SELECT Col1, Col2, ColX FROM Table A


    SELECT Col4, Col5, ColX FROM Table B


    then we run a select as follows:

    SELECT * FROM V1 WHERE ColX = 13

    I need to know if the view would first select all the records based on the view defn. and then perform a filter on it (on ColX) or otherwise..

    Thanks again..


  • Hello

    I think filtering will be performed first on each SELECT ... and then result is concatenated

    Kindest Regards,

    Damian Widera
    SQL Server MVP,
    MCT, MCSE Data Platform, MCSD.NET

  • To take advantage of partitioning there are several requisites. Look at partitioned Views in BOL. In particular the primary key must define a check constraint so that the engine can do exactly what you are asking for.


    Good Luck,



    * Noel

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