view directory

  • I am using this syntax to get the contents of a directory:

    DECLARE @Files1 table (FileName varchar(50), col1 INT, col2 INT)

    DECLARE @strDirectory varchar(150) = 'E:\MyDir\'

    INSERT INTO @Files1(FileName, col1, col2)

    EXEC.master.dbo.xp_DirTree @strDirectory, 1,1

    This script is running on the server and I can get directories that are on the server. But how do I get a directory on an external hard drive attached to one of the network boxes? I am trying to compare a directory on the server to a directory on a backup hard drive.

    Thanks for the help!!


  • Map the drive or use full path :

    \\machinename\c$ ...

    But, why are you using SQL for this? PowerShell or old dos-batch are designed exactly fo the purpose you have.

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  • Eugene Elutin (8/1/2011)

    Map the drive or use full path :

    \\machinename\c$ ...

    But, why are you using SQL for this? PowerShell or old dos-batch are designed exactly fo the purpose you have.

    +1 for PowerShell

    ...not to mention that xp_dirtree is undocumented, i.e. it could be removed or changed in a future version or patch of SQL Server with no notice!

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