Very weird: SSIS package can only load 255 rows from excel

  • I am having a very weird issue now: I create a SSIS package to load data from excel file to database, but turn out it can only load 255 rows from excel. Actually not 255 rows--it always reach the the 255th row in excel. For example, if I start from first row, then it loads 255 rows; or if I start from 2nd row, it only loads 254 rows....

    I have written a lot of SSIS package to load excel data before and never had similar issue. Before I was create ssis package in Visual studio 2005 which is under windows xp OS, and now I am using Windows Server 2003 OS with Visual Studio 2005. But I am not sure this is the problem.

    All data in excel are just simple text, which for sure no longer than 50 characters; and during I run the package from visual studio, everything seems go pretty smooth and there are no any errors or even warning....

    Any suggestion or head up are highly appreciated! Thanks a lot!

  • Try removing line 255 of the data file and see whether anything changes.

    The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
    Martin Rees

    You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
    Stan Laurel

  • Same result....Actually not only one excel file, all excel stoped on 255th row....And i tried them under Windows Xp os, then everything is good....Seems only doesnt' work windows server 2003....

    Phil Parkin (10/27/2011)

    Try removing line 255 of the data file and see whether anything changes.

  • can you share that excel file ?

  • I am facing a similar problem. SSIS package just inserts the first 255 rows or may be till the end of 255th row. Is it something related to EOF in excel. If so, could you please help me fix the issue?


  • Since a previous poster said that everything was correct on XP but not on Server 2003, my guess is that you might want to check that you have the correct driver.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • Thanks

  • Hi, I tried creating a new file to copy and paste all 450 rows - they were all dumped to the destination table. I think there is an Enf Of file issue with the excel file that is sent to me. Is there a way to get rid of EOF or ignore it on SSIS Package?


  • how about using the script task.

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