Very slow SP, very quick query

  • Does anyone have any idea why this is happening:

    We have a stored procedure that is taking several minutes to execute (lots of decryptions of encrypted data; many records). In investigating it, I copied the script for the stored procedure to a new query window, substituted local variables for the parameters, and gave them the same values I was using for the SP.

    I then ran it, and it ran in 4 seconds. But if I right-click on the stored procedure (in Management Studio) and select "run", it takes over 5 minutes to run!

    EXACTLY the same code -- not one character changed.

    Why would this be happening, any ideas??


  • Sounds like parameter sniffing. If you do a google search on this site you should find several threads that discuss the topic.

  • Oh, you are right! How totally strange!

    When I do what was suggested -- copying the parameters to local variables and using the local variables in the select statement -- the SP runs in a few seconds also!

    Wow, you would think Microsoft would fix this -- does "parameter sniffing" ever serve any useful purpose?

    Thanks very much!


  • OMG!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!

    I have been fighting this exact problem for about 3 weeks now, just never found the right key words to search with. Lucky accident led me to this post. I googled 'parameter sniffing', implemented the suggestion for using local variables, and my stored proc went from 40 minutes execution time to just over 1 minute - consistently!

    Woo hoo, happy dance in the cube!!! You guys ROCK!:-D


  • Glad to have been able to help both of you.

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