• I have created a stored procedure for a report someone needs. However, it takes 25 minutes to run, and it returns about 2.5k rows. Can anyone point at what I can do to make this faster? I build it on top of someone elses view called ReceiptsMadeWithItemDesc which joins about 20 different tables...

    So I created a couple functions:

    USE [PPI]


    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[getLastYearsQuarterAvgPrice] Script Date: 12/03/2008 15:07:06 ******/





    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getLastYearsQuarterAvgPrice]


    -- Add the parameters for the function here

    @month int,

    @year int






    -- Add the SELECT statement with parameter references here

    SELECT CASE WHEN SUM([Recd Qty]) = 0 THEN 0 ELSE SUM([Ext Line Rel Prc]) / SUM([Recd Qty]) END AS [Avg Price Per Quarter],

    [Part Number]

    FROM dbo.ReceiptsMadeWithItemDesc

    WHERE DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) 6 AND @month <= 9 THEN 9 ELSE 12 END

    AND DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) >= CASE WHEN @month 6 AND @month <= 9 THEN 7 ELSE 10 END

    AND DATEPART(yyyy, [Recd Date]) = CONVERT(varchar(4),@year - 1)

    GROUP BY [Part Number]


    as well as

    USE [PPI]


    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear] Script Date: 12/03/2008 15:07:45 ******/





    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear]


    -- Add the parameters for the function here

    @month int,

    @year int






    SELECT SUM([Recd Qty]) AS SumQty,

    SUM([Ext Line Rel Prc]) AS SumPrice,

    [Part Number]

    FROM dbo.ReceiptsMadeWithItemDesc

    WHERE DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) = CONVERT(varchar(2),@month)

    AND DATEPART(yyyy, [Recd Date]) = CONVERT(varchar(4),@year)

    GROUP BY [Part Number]


    Then the master stored proc:

    USE [PPI]


    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[ppi] Script Date: 12/03/2008 15:08:38 ******/





    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ppi]



    -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result sets from

    -- interfering with SELECT statements.


    DECLARE @fyYear int

    SET @fyYear = DATEPART(yyyy, DATEADD(month, -6, GETDATE()))

    DECLARE @nextYear int

    SET @nextYear = @fyYear + 1


    Jul.[Part Number],

    avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] as [Avg Price Q1],

    avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] as [Avg Price Q2],

    avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] as [Avg Price Q3],

    avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] as [Avg Price Q4],

    Jul.SumQty as [Jul Qty], CASE WHEN Jul.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jul.SumPrice / Jul.SumQty END as [Jul Avg Price], Jul.SumPrice as [Jul Net Spend], CASE WHEN Jul.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jul.SumPrice - (Jul.SumQty * avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Jul Impact], CASE WHEN avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Jul.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jul.SumPrice / Jul.SumQty END) / avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Jul PPI],

    Aug.SumQty as [Aug Qty], CASE WHEN Aug.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Aug.SumPrice / Aug.SumQty END as [Aug Avg Price], Aug.SumPrice as [Aug Net Spend], CASE WHEN Aug.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Aug.SumPrice - (Aug.SumQty * avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Aug Impact], CASE WHEN avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Aug.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Aug.SumPrice / Aug.SumQty END) / avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Aug PPI],

    Sep.SumQty as [Sep Qty], CASE WHEN Sep.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Sep.SumPrice / Sep.SumQty END as [Sep Avg Price], Sep.SumPrice as [Sep Net Spend], CASE WHEN Sep.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Sep.SumPrice - (Sep.SumQty * avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Sep Impact], CASE WHEN avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Sep.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Sep.SumPrice / Sep.SumQty END) / avg1.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Sep PPI],

    Oct.SumQty as [Oct Qty], CASE WHEN Oct.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Oct.SumPrice / Oct.SumQty END as [Oct Avg Price], Oct.SumPrice as [Oct Net Spend], CASE WHEN Oct.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Oct.SumPrice - (Oct.SumQty * avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Oct Impact], CASE WHEN avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Oct.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Oct.SumPrice / Oct.SumQty END) / avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Oct PPI],

    Nov.SumQty as [Nov Qty], CASE WHEN Nov.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Nov.SumPrice / Nov.SumQty END as [Nov Avg Price], Nov.SumPrice as [Nov Net Spend], CASE WHEN Nov.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Nov.SumPrice - (Nov.SumQty * avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Nov Impact], CASE WHEN avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Nov.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Nov.SumPrice / Nov.SumQty END) / avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Nov PPI],

    Dec.SumQty as [Dec Qty], CASE WHEN Dec.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Dec.SumPrice / Dec.SumQty END as [Dec Avg Price], Dec.SumPrice as [Dec Net Spend], CASE WHEN Dec.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Dec.SumPrice - (Dec.SumQty * avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Dec Impact], CASE WHEN avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Dec.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Dec.SumPrice / Dec.SumQty END) / avg2.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Dec PPI],

    Jan.SumQty as [Jan Qty], CASE WHEN Jan.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jan.SumPrice / Jan.SumQty END as [Jan Avg Price], Jan.SumPrice as [Jan Net Spend], CASE WHEN Jan.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jan.SumPrice - (Jan.SumQty * avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Jan Impact], CASE WHEN avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Jan.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jan.SumPrice / Jan.SumQty END) / avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Jan PPI],

    Feb.SumQty as [Feb Qty], CASE WHEN Feb.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Feb.SumPrice / Feb.SumQty END as [Feb Avg Price], Feb.SumPrice as [Feb Net Spend], CASE WHEN Feb.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Feb.SumPrice - (Feb.SumQty * avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Feb Impact], CASE WHEN avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Feb.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Feb.SumPrice / Feb.SumQty END) / avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Feb PPI],

    Mar.SumQty as [Mar Qty], CASE WHEN Mar.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Mar.SumPrice / Mar.SumQty END as [Mar Avg Price], Mar.SumPrice as [Mar Net Spend], CASE WHEN Mar.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Mar.SumPrice - (Mar.SumQty * avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Mar Impact], CASE WHEN avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Mar.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Mar.SumPrice / Mar.SumQty END) / avg3.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Mar PPI],

    Apr.SumQty as [Apr Qty], CASE WHEN Apr.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Apr.SumPrice / Apr.SumQty END as [Apr Avg Price], Apr.SumPrice as [Apr Net Spend], CASE WHEN Apr.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Apr.SumPrice - (Apr.SumQty * avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Apr Impact], CASE WHEN avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Apr.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Apr.SumPrice / Apr.SumQty END) / avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Apr PPI],

    May.SumQty as [May Qty], CASE WHEN May.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE May.SumPrice / May.SumQty END as [May Avg Price], May.SumPrice as [May Net Spend], CASE WHEN May.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE May.SumPrice - (May.SumQty * avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [May Impact], CASE WHEN avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN May.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE May.SumPrice / May.SumQty END) / avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [May PPI],

    Jun.SumQty as [Jun Qty], CASE WHEN Jun.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jun.SumPrice / Jun.SumQty END as [Jun Avg Price], Jun.SumPrice as [Jun Net Spend], CASE WHEN Jun.SumPrice = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jun.SumPrice - (Jun.SumQty * avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter]) END as [Jun Impact], CASE WHEN avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] = 0 THEN 0 ELSE (CASE WHEN Jun.SumQty = 0 THEN 0 ELSE Jun.SumPrice / Jun.SumQty END) / avg4.[Avg Price Per Quarter] END as [Jun PPI]

    FROM [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](7 , @fyYear) AS Jul

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](8 , @fyYear) AS Aug

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Aug.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](9 , @fyYear) AS Sep

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Sep.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](10 , @fyYear) AS Oct

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Oct.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](11 , @fyYear) AS Nov

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Nov.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](12 , @fyYear) AS Dec

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Dec.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](1 , @nextYear) AS Jan

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Jan.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](2 , @nextYear) AS Feb

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Feb.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](3 , @nextYear) AS Mar

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Mar.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](4 , @nextYear) AS Apr

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Apr.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](5 , @nextYear) AS May

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = May.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].[getQtyPriceByMonthYear](6 , @nextYear) AS Jun

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = Jun.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].getLastYearsQuarterAvgPrice(7, @fyYear) as avg1

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = avg1.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].getLastYearsQuarterAvgPrice(10, @fyYear) as avg2

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = avg2.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].getLastYearsQuarterAvgPrice(1, @nextYear) as avg3

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = avg3.[Part Number]

    LEFT JOIN [PPI].[dbo].getLastYearsQuarterAvgPrice(4, @nextYear) as avg4

    ON Jul.[Part Number] = avg4.[Part Number]

    ORDER BY Jul.[Part Number]


  • What I would suggest is using the TVF to load properly indexes temporary tables with the appropriate data, then use the temporary table in your master query for reporting.

  • First of all I would start using the correct datatype to query.

    Use a datetime variable to query your dates.

    You can do that changing the functions inputparameters to a single date (e.g. convention is to provide year-month-01 for data of that month)

    Then you can query using

    declare @toDate datetime

    Select @toDate = dateadd(mm,1,@inDate)

    Select ....

    from ...

    Where thedatecolumn >= @inDate

    and thedatecolumn <= @toDate

    Because you no longer use a function in the where clause of your query, it may be able to use an available index for filtering on that column.


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  • Whetever you were putting in front of your 6's in the first function is lost. Could you please fix it? thnx

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • In fact the whole WHERE clause of the first function seems to be very confused. The is definitely something wrong with it because it won't compile, even if I put a "&lt" in front of the 6's.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • I have fixed the first function... we have filtered/proxied internet, which wouldnt allow me to post, so I had to email myself everything, not sure how it got lost. That code just says group up the data into 1st/2nd/3rd/4th quarters of last year.

    I have to implement this so it appears to follow the financial year (July-June), hence me sending int for month and year. I wasn't sure how many further steps I would need to complete all the calculations, so I used the ints so I could understand my programming a bit better. Have you noticed I am not a SQL guru?

    The view is off a "database" but from my understanding, it is just a snapshot loaded every night. I think the suggestion to copy it into a temporary table is the way to go here... except it doesn't really need to be a temporary table.

    My understanding of indexing is a little weak. I figure I am going to make it a job that runs an hour or so after the snapshot is inserted. Would I want to enable full text indexing for better searches? Unfortunately, all the data from the snapshot is pretty much text data, and I will need to use LIKE a bit further on. Or is it just CREATE INDEX you think I will need? Also, is there a way to CREATE INDEX on all columns without having to specify them, as I may change what columns are avaliable in the view.

    Thanks for your help!

  • The structure of the where clause appears very inefficient to me. It looks like it is doing 16 table scans when it could get away with only 3.

    I you repost just the corrected WHERE clause of that function, I will try to rewrite it for you.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

  • Here is the where clause..

    WHERE DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) 6 AND @month <= 9 THEN 9 ELSE 12 END

    AND DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) >= CASE WHEN @month 6 AND @month <= 9 THEN 7 ELSE 10 END

    AND DATEPART(yyyy, [Recd Date]) = CONVERT(varchar(4),@year - 1)

    Or for simplified reading...

    If the @month is between July and Sept, then I want everything with a [Recd Date] between July 1 and Sept 30 of @year - 1... etc for Oct-Dec, Jan-March, April-June.

    Also, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't allow me to DECLARE a variable in a tvf, else that would be much more readable.

  • What is your fiscal year for reporting? For instance Fiscal Year 2009 (our current fiscal year) is July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009.

  • Andrew.Buis (12/4/2008)

    Also, I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't allow me to DECLARE a variable in a tvf, else that would be much more readable.

    Because you are working with an in-line TVF not a multistatement TVF.

    For more information on these please read BOL (Books Online).

  • Same as yours Lynn. For FY 2009, it is July 08 - June 09

  • Well, found out partially why it takes so long. I am dumping the data from the view into a table... 15 or so minutes now, with 189k rows atm, and still going. Looks like I should also optimize what data I need to dump into my table.

    Update: 216k rows, just finished. Changed my functions to point at the table instead of the view, and it now runs in 4 seconds!

  • Andrew.Buis (12/4/2008)

    Here is the where clause..

    WHERE DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) 6 AND @month <= 9 THEN 9 ELSE 12 END

    AND DATEPART(m, [Recd Date]) >= CASE WHEN @month 6 AND @month <= 9 THEN 7 ELSE 10 END

    AND DATEPART(yyyy, [Recd Date]) = CONVERT(varchar(4),@year - 1)

    This still isn't right. The security filter must be eating it, try attaching it as a test file.

    [font="Times New Roman"]-- RBarryYoung[/font], [font="Times New Roman"] (302)375-0451[/font] blog:, Twitter: @RBarryYoung[font="Arial Black"]
    Proactive Performance Solutions, Inc.
    [font="Verdana"] "Performance is our middle name."[/font]

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