VBScript Object Required error

  • I am struggling to learn the in's and out's of VBScript and could use a push in the right direction.

    I have a working config.inc file that establishes connection with my SQL server. When I use the scripting of <% code here %> I have no probems using the Conn.Execute("") statement to interact with SQL.

    When my subroutine is run, I am getting the error that the Conn object does not exist. Below is my code so hopefully someone can help. I'm stumped!

    <%@ LANGUAGE = "VBSCRIPT" %>

    <!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.inc"-->



    Sub btnSave_OnClick

        dim a bunch of variables

        sql = "the sql statement"


    End Sub






    I must be overlooking something minor but I can't put my finger on it. Thanks everyone.

  • <%@Language="VBScript"%>

    <!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.inc"-->


    Sub btnSave_OnClick

        dim a bunch of variables

        sql = "the sql statement"


    End Sub




    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Thank you for the quick response but for some reason when I set it up this way, clicking the button does nothing.

    I really don't understand the difference between <% %> and Using <Script> </Script>

    I was under the impression that <% %> means it is run when the page is loaded and <Script> is used for subroutines?

  • my two senses:

    <% %> is use in an asp page so is executed at runtime, whereas <script> can be used as well in html pages.

    can you post your page code, without sensitive info.

    are you using an asp or html page

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • Here is my code - it is a .ASP page. The code comes from my test machine which isn't connected to the network (for testing reasons) so I retyped this code out - if there are typos please ignore. As the code is right now, it compiles correctly but just doesn't do anything upon clicking.


    <%@ LANGUAGE = "VBSCRIPT" %>

    <!--#INCLUDE FILE="config.inc"-->


    dim accountID,getComment,locateCode

    accountID = Request.QueryString("id")

    getComment = Request.QueryString("comments")

    locateCode = Request.QueryString("locate")


    <Script Language = "VBScript">


    Sub btnSave_OnClick

     dim TheForm,account,comment,revisedComment,fixComment

     Set TheForm = Document.forms("CommentForm")

     account = TheForm.accountNum

     comment = TheForm.skipComments

     revisedComment = Replace(comment, "'","''")

     fixComment = "the sql statement to execute"






    <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft Frontpage 5.0">

    <meta name="ProgID" content="FrontPage.Editors.Document">

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">




    <form name="CommentForm">

    Status:<br /><input type="text" name = "status" size = "5" READONLY  value = "<%response.write locateCode%>"><br />

    Account #:<br /><input type = "text" name = "accountNum" size="10" READONLY value="<%response.write accountID%>"><br />

    Skip Comments:<br /><textarea rows="3" cols="31" name="skipComments" wordwrap="hard"><%response.write getComment%></textarea><br />

    <input type = "Button" name = "btnSave" value="Save Comments">




  • My apologies, the reason the code is doing nothing is because I don't have End Sub


    Sub btnSave_OnClick

     dim TheForm,account,comment,revisedComment,fixComment

     Set TheForm = Document.forms("CommentForm")

     account = TheForm.accountNum

     comment = TheForm.skipComments

     revisedComment = Replace(comment, "'","''")

     fixComment = "the sql statement to execute"




    Now I am getting the error that Conn doesn't exist again.

  • did you properly define it your include file. put an OPTION EXPLICIT statement at the top of your asp pages so that it forces you to declare variables

    Everything you can imagine is real.

  • I'm pretty sure it's defined properly in my include file - I put an OPTION EXPLICIT at the top of the asp page and still am having the same problem. The wierd thing is that the Conn variable is recognized and executes with no problem when using it within a <% %> statement. But when I do that, it doesn't execute the subroutine when clicking my button.

    And if I use <Script>, then it doesn't recognize Conn as a variable. Any other ideas?

  • <script> tags are for client side usage, whereas stuff inside <% %> would be executed at the server.

    the connection does not exist on the clientn side of course.

    if your form has a method of "GET", then you use Request.QueryString to get all the values form the submitted form.

    if your form has a method of "POST", then you use Request.Form to get all the values form the submitted form.

    note how if there is no item named "btnSave" with a specific value, the code will not be executed.

    you want something like this:


     dim TheForm,account,comment,revisedComment,fixComment

    if Request.Form("btnSave") = "Save Comments" then

      set cnObj = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")

      cnObj.ConnectionString= "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=;database=GHBA;network=DBMSSOCN;uid=tester;pwd=password"

    'cnObj.ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=welcome;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=tester;Initial Catalog=GHBA;Data Source=WEBDEV"

    cnObj.open  ' // Use of Network=DBMSSOCN is to avoid Named Pipes errors 

      account = Request.Form("accountNum")

     comment = Request.Form("skipComments")

     revisedComment = Replace(comment, "'","''")

    fixComment = "the sql statement to execute"


    End If



    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • Very interesting - much better it seems to work now so much appreciated. Thanks for the explanation - (a lot easier to comprehend than a code snippet)


    So the reason I am setting my code up like this is so I can, edit the textarea, update the database, and then go back to the previous page (needs refreshed) to show that the update has taken place.

    I have been trying to imitate code that is already in place but can't seem to find a workaround for it.

    So now I have this:


     dim TheForm,account,comment,revisedComment,fixComment

    if Request.Form("btnSave") = "Save Comments" then

    Do the SQL Update Stuff

    (Here I need to get back to previous page - http://ourserver/lastpage.asp?where=###&Purge=&Account=#######

    End if


    Other code snippets show something like this

    <Script LANGUAGE="javascript">

    <!-- function showReports() {

       location.href = "http://ourserver/lastpage.asp?where=###&Purge=&Account=#######"




    And then within my <% %> from above I would need to do this:


    Call showReports ()

    End If


    I'm getting a programming error when trying this because I don't think you can call a function like that within the <% %>  server side code like that.

    Is there a way around this, or better yet, a less awkward way to do it to begin with? This can't be that difficult, but I just need to be able to stick variables into the href statement to get me back to the correct page. Thanks again for the lesson.

  • sent you a PM, as we might be getting sidetracked in ASP code vs SQL for the forum. I hate posting huge volumes of code and examples which might side track us.

    hopefully I can provide you with some good suggestions for your ASP page.


    --help us help you! If you post a question, make sure you include a CREATE TABLE... statement and INSERT INTO... statement into that table to give the volunteers here representative data. with your description of the problem, we can provide a tested, verifiable solution to your question! asking the question the right way gets you a tested answer the fastest way possible!

  • i was about to say that, it might be better to post in an asp forum coz u will get better help there

    Everything you can imagine is real.

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