vbscript for dtspackage

  • I want add a activexscript or vbscript in sql agent jobs such that if file in a directory exists then excute second step , if not then end job successful.

  • Hi,

    You don't necessarily need an activeX script in the Agent job. You can do it by using the xp_fileexists extended proc in T-SQL.

    CREATE TABLE #exists (file_exist BIT, is_dir BIT, parent_dir BIT)

    INSERT INTO #exists

    execute master..XP_FILEEXIST '\\MachineName\directory\file.txt'

    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM #exists WHERE file_exist = 1)

    RAISERROR('File Exists', 10, 1) -- Non-fatal error as notification


    RAISERROR ('File Does Not Exist', 16, 1) -- Fatal error failing step

    You can then have the step go to step X on pass and step Y on failure.


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  • but I don't know the filename or you can say any fillename in directory.

    I know only path upto directory.

    if a file is in directory then execute second step.

    please help.

  • You can use xp_cmdshell to run the DIR command.

    DECLARE @dir VARCHAR(200)

    DECLARE @cmd VARCHAR(205)

    SELECT @dir = '\\machine\dir'

    SELECT @cmd = 'DIR ' + @dir

    CREATE TABLE #directoryFiles (lineID INT, line VARCHAR(2000))

    INSERT INTO #directoryFiles(line)

    EXEC master.dbo.xp_cmdshell @cmd

    SELECT * FROM #directoryFiles

    DROP TABLE #directoryFiles

    This will list all files in a directory, you can then use SUBSTRING to parse out the filenames. Note that the lineID is useful for getting rid of unwanted header and footer lines returned by the DIR command.


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