VBS Script : Using DMO to export data from SQLServer to csv file

  • Hi,

    I don't know well dmo. I have done this vb script to export data from sqlserver's table to csv file. The script do well the job but i have trouble with the date format in my output file(csv).

    How can I easily manage the format of the exported data?

    Also : bulkcopy is it the best solution to export data?

    The amount of data in the tables is huge.

    Thanks for your replies.

    Best regards


    The script :

    Dim oServer

    Dim oDatabase

    Dim oBCP

    Dim nRows

    dim table

    dim oTable

    dim sResults

    on error resume next

    if WScript.Arguments(0) = "" then

    WScript.Echo "Vous n'avez pas spécifié de base de données à laquelle se connecter."


    end if

    Set oServer = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")

    oServer.LoginSecure = True

    Set oBCP = CreateObject("SQLDMO.BulkCopy")

    oServer.EnableBcp = True

    oServer.Connect "." ', "sa"

    Set oDatabase = oServer.Databases(Wscript.Arguments(0))

    msgbox oDatabase.SpaceAvailableInMB

    For Each oDatabase In oServer.Databases

    For Each oTable In oDatabase.Tables

    if oTable.systemobject = false then

    sResults = sResults & oTable.Name & Chr(13) & Chr(10)

    end if


    msgbox sResults


    oBCP.ColumnDelimiter = vbComma

    oBCP.DataFileType = SQLDMODataFile_CommaDelimitedChar

    oBCP.ImportRowsPerBatch = 1000

    oBCP.MaximumErrorsBeforeAbort = 1

    BCP.RowDelimiter = vbCrLf

    oBCP.ServerBCPDataFileType = SQLDMOBCPDataFile_Char

    oBCP.UseExistingconnection = True

    if wscript.Arguments(1) = "" then

    for each table in oDatabase.tables

    ' pas une table systeme

    if table.systemobject = false then

    oBCP.DataFilePath = table.name & ".csv"

    nRows = table.ExportData(oBCP)

    wscript.Echo nRows & " lignes exportées à partir de " & table.name

    end if



    oBCP.DataFilePath = wscript.Arguments(1) & ".csv"

    nRows = oDatabase.Tables(wscript.arguments(1)).ExportData(oBCP)

    wscript.Echo nRows & " lignes exportées à partir de " & wscript.arguments(1)

    end if

  • I looked in BOL and couldn't find anything where you could use DMO to reformat your datetime data.  Maybe using a format file would work, but I didn't see anything in BOL which would indicate you could transform datetime data.

    Bulkcopy is fine to export data, though I am not sure how efficient SQL-DMO is compared to command-line bcp or DTS.

    If you want more control over the data you are exporting you can use the DTS Import/Export Wizard from EM.  It will take a lot more work to set up, but you can use activeX scripts to transform each column you are copying.  In this way you can convert your datetime fields into a format suitable for your csv files.

    DTS is fine to use for large files, but for best performance schedule the DTS as a job on the server.  Running it on your PC will be slower than on the server.


    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • Just thought of something.  Why don't you set up views for each table, use the views to convert your datetime data into char data and use the ExportData method on the view instead of the table.

    Again, a lot of work depending on the amount of tables in your database.

    Anyone got any better options?

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • Thanks a lot Wayne

    The last solution with views is not bad (but i have about 22 tables). Why not?

    But I think the first one is cleaner with DTS.

    A last answer, when you say :

    "I looked in BOL" what's BOL?I know I am newbie.

    If someone know a solution with bcp to format data, i am interresting.

    While waiting, I will seek information on DTS

    Best regards


  • BOL is 'Books Online', the help files that comes with SQL Server.

    When in doubt - test, test, test!


  • ok thanx

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