Varying Column Name

  • I have a table containing columns for Financial periods (Act01, Act02, ..Act12). I would like to be able to select the column based on the correct month. How can I use variable in select statement? I have tried

    declare @Period as tinyint

    set @Period=month(getdate())

    select Act+@Period from tbl but this does not work

    I am new to T-SQL.



  • you can't do that. 2 solutions:

    1: create procedure myproc @pd int


    declare @cmd varchar(80)

    select @cmd = 'select act' + cast(@pd as varchar) + ' from mytable'


    2: (preferred)

    create procedure myproc @pd int


    if @pd = 1

       select act01 from mytable

    else if @pd = 2

     select act02 from mytable



    #2 is preferred since it doesn't use dynamic sql and clearly handles the input for each month. YOu might add logic to automatically figure out the correct month. However it does have a maintenance cost.

  • Or:

    Declare @period int

    SELECT @period = 3

    Select (Case

     When @period = 1 then Acnt01

     When @period = 2 then Acnt02

     When @period = 3 then Acnt03

     When @period = 4 then Acnt04

     When @period = 5 then Acnt05

     When @period = 6 then Acnt06

     When @period = 7 then Acnt07

     When @period = 8 then Acnt08

     When @period = 9 then Acnt09

     When @period = 10 then Acnt10

     When @period = 11 then Acnt11

     When @period = 12 then Acnt12

     ELSE NULL End) as Amount



    I am not sure what are you trying to accomplish but this will get you going

    * Noel

  • Any chance to change the underlying table design? It really looks like you have something like this

    year 01 02 03 04 05

    2003 ...some numbers

    2002 ...some numbers

    If so, that should be the presentational result from your data not the table design itself. I would rather create a table with a column for the date and another column for the number. Then you can, for example, insert something like

    01.01.2004   30,234.93

    01.02.2004   50,234,12

    Now for getting into your presentation format, you can use a crosstab query (you'll find them here in the script section) and to this at the client app.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Any chance to change the underlying table design? It really looks like you have something like this

    year 01 02 03 04 05

    2003 ...some numbers

    2002 ...some numbers

    If so, that should be the presentational result from your data not the table design itself. I would rather create a table with a column for the date and another column for the number. Then you can, for example, insert something like

    01.01.2004   30,234.93

    01.02.2004   50,234,12

    Now for getting into your presentation format, you can use a crosstab query (you'll find them here in the script section) and to this at the client app.



    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Hmph, obviously the new forum software does not have fllod control or it is not activated. Sorry for posting twice. Too much coffein got me nervous fingers


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Steve, thanks for the quick answer, how come you prefer the option that does not use dynamic sql? I used dynamic sql alot in MS Access and would like to know why this is not recommended in SQL server.

  • The data is dumped in this format from the corporate financial mainframe system. I am creating a datawarehouse for reporting purposes and trying to decide how much effort we should put into rearranging the data structures. I think that we could do this using DTS, but since I am new SQL server, there is alot to learn and I trying to stay focused on getting some reports created that present accurate data, in the future we have an opportunity to implement a properly designed OLAP system. Do you have any suggestions that could help me learn more about these issues? 

  • If you want to know about the cons and pros of dynamic sql take alook at this

    * Noel

  • Hey noeld, that's my reference link

    Actually, although both URL are the same you'd better use this one

    It's easier to remember as the other.


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Do you have any suggestions that could help me learn more about these issues? 

    First of all try not to mimic some kind of Excel Pivot table stuff in SQL Server. You will certainly get this to work, but I bet after some time painfully become aware of the limitations of this approach as to scalability and performance. Also I guess your data integrity will be blown up within a very short time. Here's one very bad example from my company. I' m not going to argue about it, because our Chief Marketing Officer is the creator of the table (...and he's very proud of it, so arguing might be dangerous )

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[BeantragtesGeschäft]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[BeantragtesGeschäft]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BeantragtesGeschäft] (

     [ZwNr] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

     [Vorjahr] [int] NULL ,

     [1] [smallint] NULL ,

     [2] [smallint] NULL ,

     [3] [smallint] NULL ,

     [4] [smallint] NULL ,

     [5] [smallint] NULL ,

     [6] [smallint] NULL ,

     [7] [smallint] NULL ,

     [8] [smallint] NULL ,

     [9] [smallint] NULL ,

     [10] [smallint] NULL ,

     [11] [smallint] NULL ,

     [12] [smallint] NULL ,

     [13] [smallint] NULL ,

     [14] [smallint] NULL ,

     [15] [smallint] NULL ,

     [16] [smallint] NULL ,

     [17] [smallint] NULL ,

     [18] [smallint] NULL ,

     [19] [smallint] NULL ,

     [20] [smallint] NULL ,

     [21] [smallint] NULL ,

     [22] [smallint] NULL ,

     [23] [smallint] NULL ,

     [24] [smallint] NULL ,

     [25] [smallint] NULL ,

     [26] [smallint] NULL ,

     [27] [smallint] NULL ,

     [28] [smallint] NULL ,

     [29] [smallint] NULL ,

     [30] [smallint] NULL ,

     [31] [smallint] NULL ,

     [32] [smallint] NULL ,

     [33] [smallint] NULL ,

     [34] [smallint] NULL ,

     [35] [smallint] NULL ,

     [36] [smallint] NULL ,

     [37] [smallint] NULL ,

     [38] [smallint] NULL ,

     [39] [smallint] NULL ,

     [40] [smallint] NULL ,

     [41] [smallint] NULL ,

     [42] [smallint] NULL ,

     [43] [smallint] NULL ,

     [44] [smallint] NULL ,

     [45] [smallint] NULL ,

     [46] [smallint] NULL ,

     [47] [smallint] NULL ,

     [48] [smallint] NULL ,

     [49] [smallint] NULL ,

     [50] [smallint] NULL ,

     [51] [smallint] NULL ,

     [52] [smallint] NULL ,

     [ø 2000] [int] NULL ,

     [ø 1999] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    There is a column for each week in a year to store some numeric information. A far better approach would be

    if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[BeantragtesGeschäft]') and OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)

    drop table [dbo].[BeantragtesGeschäft]


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BeantragtesGeschäft] (

     [ZwNr] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,

    some_date datetime not null,

    some_number smallint not null

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    Much easier code to retrieve and modify the data. Now when it comes to presenting the data, you can of course do this in the way you are used to, that is some kind of cross tab.

    You might find it useful to read some fundamentals on database design and normalization. For example this

    Several examples of data models can you find here

    But as you are using this for an OLAP system, I think there are other valid rules as for an OLTP. I'm not familiar with OLAP stuff, but someone else here surely is.

    HTH a bit

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • I learned form the Master

    * Noel

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