Variables & Linked Server Querying

  • Alright, first post here so have mercy. The situation is as follows:

    I am working on a storproc that can take variable input, pass it downstream to reference a linked server and return my data set. The t-sql part would look pretty much like this:

    DECLARE @somebox as varchar(20)

    SET @somebox = 'LINKEDBOX'

    SELECT * FROM @somebox.master.dbo.sysobjects

    As it is, QA is throwing:

    Incorrect syntax near '.'.

    Any ideas or direction will be greatly appreciated!


  • The variable has to be wrapped in a dynamic sql statement like such.

    DECLARE @somebox as nvarchar(20), @sql NVARCHAR(500)

    SET @somebox = '[LINKEDBOX]'

    SET @sql = N'SELECT * FROM ' + @somebox + '.[master].[dbo].[sysobjects]'

    EXEC (@sql)

  • Thanks! That works the last conundrum I've left is that I am exceeding the maximum number of objects (linkedserver.db.table.field)

    If there is no workaround...I'll start aliasing I guess.

    Adam Haines (1/16/2008)

    The variable has to be wrapped in a dynamic sql statement like such.

    DECLARE @somebox as nvarchar(20), @sql NVARCHAR(500)

    SET @somebox = '[LINKEDBOX]'

    SET @sql = N'SELECT * FROM ' + @somebox + '.[master].[dbo].[sysobjects]'

    EXEC (@sql)

  • I do not know of any fix, if you have too many objects in your database catalog. What is the error message?

  • Adam, the problem was that I was referencing fields by using [remoteserver].[db].[owner].

    .[field] and MSSQL wasn't liking it. All I had to do was alias the [remoteserver].[db].[owner] as [aliasname].

    In other words, your solution worked beatifuly! I just struggled a little bit rewritting some portions of the queries to work well with the wrapper.:w00t:

    Adam Haines (1/16/2008)

    I do not know of any fix, if you have too many objects in your database catalog. What is the error message?

  • Gotcha, I misunderstood the problem.

    I am glad everything worked out and thanks for the feedback.:)

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