Variable returning * instead of an error

  • First post here so be kind.

    I ran across and interesting issue today. Thought I would share it with the community.

    This query was run against a database on 2008 SP3 and 2012 SP2

    Here is an example of what I ran

    Declare @A_number varchar(5)

    Select Top 1 Column_Is_an_int = @A_number

    From Our_Main_Table

    Where A_Database_Name = 'A database with many records in this table and multiple records in the Column_is_an_int some are more than 5 characters'

    Select @A_number

    Exec My_Stored_Proc @A_Nmuber

    The top result for that database had an integer that was 8 characters including the - sign.

    When the query ran I would normally expect it to throw the binary data cannot be truncated error. However in this case it returned a * in the variable which then tried to pass it in to the SP which of course threw a fit.

    Once I changed the varchar(5) to varchar(50) it worked perfectly.

    I am not sure if this is a known error but I thought I would share my solution just in case any other new DBA's had this happen to them.



  • This is not an error. The * indicates that the value is too large for the currently defined size of the variable.

  • Every time in the past I have encountered something like this, i.e. trying to put 10 charcters in a 9 character field. It has throw the binary data cannot be truncated error. Is that not the case for variables then?

    PS I am still super new as a dba

  • Are you sure you have the right syntax?

    Select Top 1 Column_Is_an_int = @A_number from ....

    Unless I didn't get enough sleep and/or not enough coffee, this is not assigning a value to the variable, at least, not as I see it.

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  • Sorry typed it wrong! It is

    Select Top 1 @A_number=Column_Is_an_int

    From Our_Main_Table

  • Your assignment is casting your integer to a varchar. If the result doesn't fit the variable then it will be truncated or rounded.


    If you have a look at the Truncating and Rounding Results it states that for int, smallint and tinyint going to a varchar truncation will result in a *

    The following demonstrates the behaviour of a few conversions. Only the last float conversion will error.

    DECLARE @var varchar(5)

    SELECT @var = 'bob'

    print @var

    SELECT @var = 'bob and bill'

    print @var

    SELECT @var = 12345

    print @var

    SELECT @var = 123456789

    print @var

    SELECT @var = 12.34

    print @var

    SELECT @var = 123.45

    print @var

    If you want to get an error you could try casting you integer to a numeric/decimal before assigning it eg

    Select Top 1 @A_number = CAST(Column_Is_an_int AS Numeric(10,0))

    From Our_Main_Table

    Where A_Database_Name = 'A database with many records in this table and multiple records in the Column_is_an_int some are more than 5 characters'

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