Variable parameters

  • I have 6 parameters in my SP. The user may specify a value for any combination of the parameters, or leave any/all parameters blank. If the user enters a value for a parameter, I have to limit the records returned by that field. If the user leaves a parameter blank, I don't limit the records returned.

    How can I build a "variable" SQL statement in my SP? I need to be able to do something like this:


    @P1 nvarchar(2),

    @P2 nvarchar(2),

    @P3 nvarchar(2),

    @P4 nvarchar(2),

    @P5 nvarchar(2),

    @P6 nvarchar(2)


     Select * From MySQLTable 

     Where 1=1

          If @P1 <> "" Then

              And Field1Value = @P1


          If @P2 <> "" Then

              And Field2 = @P2


          If @P3 <> "" Then

              And Field3 = @P3


          If @P4 <> "" Then

              And Field4 = @P4


          If @P5 <> "" Then

              And Field5 = @P5


          If @P6 <> "" Then

              And Field6 = @P6


    Order By MyIndexedField

    How can I do this? Thanks for your help.


  • Try something like


    @P1 nvarchar(2)=Null,

    @P2 nvarchar(2)=Null


     Select * From MySQLTable 

     Where Field1Value = isnull(@P1, Field1Value)

     and And Field2 = isnull(@P2, Field2)

    Order By MyIndexedField

  • If none of Field1 - Field6 are nullable (or contain nulls), one way to do this is:

    Select * From MySQLTable 

     Where Field1 = CASE P1 WHEN '' THEN Field1 Else @P1 END        

      and Field2 = CASE P2 WHEN '' THEN Field1 Else @P2 END    

      and Field3 = CASE P3 WHEN '' THEN Field1 Else @P3 END

      and Field4 = CASE P4 WHEN '' THEN Field1 Else @P4 END 

      and Field5 = CASE P5 WHEN '' THEN Field1 Else @P5 END 

      and Field6 = CASE P6 WHEN '' THEN Field1 Else @P6 END 

    Order By MyIndexedField

    If P1 is an empty string, then we get "Field1 = Field1" and there is no filtering.  Otherwise, we filter to check Field1 = @P1.  If Field1 has null values, however, the equality compare doesn't work.  The query can be modified to handle this, it's just a little messier.

    Hope this helps,

    Scott Thornburg

  • See if this helps:

    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • One way to do this is to construct the where clause so that it always checks  whether the parameter is NULL or not, and acts accordingly.


    (@p1 IS NULL OR (@p1 IS NOT NULL AND tbl.col1 = @p1)) AND

    (@p2 IS NULL OR @p3 IS NULL OR (@p2 IS NOT NULL AND @p3 IS NOT NULL AND tbl.col2 BETWEEN @p2 AND @p3)) AND /*need always both boundaries to compare*/

    (@p4 IS NULL OR (@p4 IS NOT NULL AND tbl.col4 > @p4)) AND


    However, be sure to visit the site Frank pointed to, there are lots of things you can use. I've learned a lot from there


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