variable drop down lists

  • I want to create two drop down lists that supply the variables for a SP in the report. 

    The first drop down should be a list of:

     Equal,Less Than Equal To,Greater Than Equal To, etc..

    The second drop down should be a number value.

    I am not sure of the syntax for the SP. THis is what I have so far:

    SELECT     COUNT(*) AS Carrier_count

    FROM      EquipmentCountByCarrier

    WHERE     Equipment_Count @Variable1, @EquipmentCount

    Thanks for any posts!

  • I thought you'd have to use dynamic SQL to do this (ie create a string and then 'EXEC' it).  An alternative (but possibly not workable depending on the size of data returned (in rows) could be to use the filters in the dataset. 

    The dynamic sql approach would be having your SP accept the two parameters and then concatenate these to a predfined SQL string and then executing it.  using your code it could look like

    SET @sSQL = 'SELECT     COUNT(*) AS Carrier_count FROM      EquipmentCountByCarrier WHERE Equipment_Count '

    SET @sSQL = @sSQL + @Variable1 + ' ' + @EquipmentCount

    EXEC @sSQL


  • I implemented this (in Access) by just creating a function which takes the operator, number parameter and data value as parameters and returns a true or false which can be tested in a WHERE clause.

  • Thanks for the replies! I have a few more questions.

     I've been working on it and I i have a problem converting my @test-2 variable to a value to a column of data type int. How do you convert the output of that?

    Also the @Operator variable is going to be operators (=,<,etc) what data type is that?


    @test-2 VARCHAR(70),@Operator INT, @EquipmentCount INT,@sSQL NVARCHAR(70)

    SET  @test-2 = 'select count (*) as carrier_count from v_MTSTM_equipmentcountbycarrier where equipment_count'

    SET @sSQL = @test-2 + @Operator + @EquipmentCount

    EXEC @sSQL

    Thank you for any suggestions!

  • >> Also the @Operator variable is going to be operators (=,<,etc) what data type is that?
    It would be varchar or even char though I'd recommend varchar.

    >> I've been working on it and I i have a problem converting my @test-2 variable to a value to a column of data type int. How do you convert the output of that?

    You mean get the number of records affected value into a variable ? You can use the @@ROWCOUNT for that right after the EXEC(@sSql).

    Dinakar Nethi
    Life is short. Enjoy it.

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