Value Increment

  • Hello

    I have created a table with serveral columns which have primary keys. What I want to do is to modify the table to so that whenever a record is inserted, the start value can be 5 and tne next 15 (increment value of 10)

    I have googles the net and can only see create sequence which doesnt seem work at all (thinking its an oracle thing)

    I need some help to learn how to create such T-SQL scripts from anyone who has done it.

  • Read up on IDENTITY Columns. you'll find your answer there.


    Personal Motto: Why push the envelope when you can just open it?

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    Jason L. Selburg
  • Thanks, eventually found what i needed to do. I needed to create the table in this format:

    CREATE TABLE dbo.tablename( columnname1 smallint identity(7,2), columnname2 char(20) )

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