Value comparison

  • I have a query that's returning prescription status.  Here's the deal.  If a patient has 3 different prescriptions and all 3 are Discontinued...I want all 3 scripts to show.

    But lets say a patient has 3 scripts (2 discontinued, 1 active)...I want to look at the date to pull what the most recent is. 

    In a nutshell....if all statuses are the same---pull the Rx.  If the statuses are different...pull the most recent.

  • cory.bullard76 - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 2:23 PM

    I have a query that's returning prescription status.  Here's the deal.  If a patient has 3 different prescriptions and all 3 are Discontinued...I want all 3 scripts to show.

    But lets say a patient has 3 scripts (2 discontinued, 1 active)...I want to look at the date to pull what the most recent is. 

    In a nutshell....if all statuses are the same---pull the Rx.  If the statuses are different...pull the most recent.

    You could use ROW_NUMBER  to identify the most recent and windowing functions to filter the data. You want to return where min_script_value = max_script_value OR row_num_col = 1.

    Luis C.
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  • Thanks!  And that would return all values if the statuses are the same?

  • cory.bullard76 - Tuesday, January 22, 2019 2:23 PM

    I have a query that's returning prescription status.  Here's the deal.  If a patient has 3 different prescriptions and all 3 are Discontinued...I want all 3 scripts to show.

    But lets say a patient has 3 scripts (2 discontinued, 1 active)...I want to look at the date to pull what the most recent is. 

    In a nutshell....if all statuses are the same---pull the Rx.  If the statuses are different...pull the most recent.

    And what do you want to do if 1 is discontinued and 2 are active?  Wouldn't you want to return both of the active ones?  If so, you'll want to use RANK() instead of ROW_NUMBER().


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Thanks Drew....if the statuses are different I want to return the most recent Rx (based on DoseStartDate).  If all the statuses are the same I want to return all the Rxs

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